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Nov 4, 2016

Today received Mavic. Cannot get any connection at all between bird and controller. Have updated everything, 3 times. Uninstalled/reinstalled Go app, 3 times. Cannot connect to WiFi either. Does anyone know the default PW? I have tried everything. All I get is a white, rectangular box on the devise that says 'System UI', never encountered that before (see attached screen shot). Used all the same with P3 Pro and P4 without any trouble. I called DJI and they said just update the firmware, I did. As stated above, still nothing. I've been at it all day now. I'm giving-up in the hope of some having an answer. Thanks.


  • DJI_GO_System_UI_msg_with_Mavic[1].png
    344.8 KB · Views: 74
PW should be 12341234

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Thanks , that's what I thought. I appreciate your taking time to answer. Tried that and every other generic PW I know of. Still nothing. Combined with the fact that I can't connect through the RC either makes me beleive paid $2,000.00 for then waited 3 months for junk. I went into work late just so I could be home to sign for package. Man, this has been a really bad day.
Did you download the firmware on both the controller and the Mavic? Two different processes so I am just curious if you only downloaded it on the app and thought that was all you had to do.
Did you download the firmware on both the controller and the Mavic? Two different processes so I am just curious if you only downloaded it on the app and thought that was all you had to do.
Hello, thank you for taking time to reply. Yes, I did firmware several ways: RC & Aircraft in tandem then, aircraft alone, RC alone. Still nothing. Im so frustrated I can't sit so I started working on Mavic again. Now I am able to connect to drone but GO app sees it as a P3 Standard? I don't have a Standard but do have a Pro. the controls I see in app are different, limited. Plus the SD card (brand new w/Mavic) is showing as corrupted or just not right, in the red? I formated the card, tested it and and it works perfectly in several other cameras . This sucks. I've spent all day and emptied 2 batteries still haven't even started motors?!? I really need just to leave it be for tonight, this is too much for me right now. Tomorrow I'll put ticket in on Zen Desk. I might just ask for a refund and send it back. My P3 Pro & P4 work perfectly. Maybe by tomorrow someone will have additional feedback, Idk. Thanks again.
Thank you, I appreciate your generous offer. Being as we are total strangers I will meet you 1/2 way with a counter offer: We meet, brainstorm together and if bird is working afterwards you can fly any of my drones you like (including 18x 4K Walkera Voyager 4 prototype that ought to be on the way from HK soon); I am in Hartford, CT. Gotta go now, among my regular, weekend chores I'm going to check for an inexpensive Android device that maybe will get bird in air (actually, I've got it to the point where I could fly if I wanted to chance it - bird & controller connect - motors start but no video or telemetry). I also emailed DJI saying I want to return it.
Thanks for the reply. I tried Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge, Nexus tablet and Samsung tablet. Tablets didn't fit in controller but still could have them on the side, plugged-into controller. At this point I'm just trying to get the app to work, trying everything I could and that I use with P3 Pro and P4. Anyway, I can't invest any more time in this, it's ridicules. Personally I think the controller is defective. I sent email to DJI for RMA to return bird.
Thank you, I appreciate your generous offer. Being as we are total strangers I will meet you 1/2 way with a counter offer: We meet, brainstorm together and if bird is working afterwards you can fly any of my drones you like (including 18x 4K Walkera Voyager 4 prototype that ought to be on the way from HK soon); I am in Hartford, CT. Gotta go now, among my regular, weekend chores I'm going to check for an inexpensive Android device that maybe will get bird in air (actually, I've got it to the point where I could fly if I wanted to chance it - bird & controller connect - motors start but no video or telemetry). I also emailed DJI saying I want to return it.
Now that everything else is working except for video and telemetry, have you retried the WiFi only mode, to see if you get telemetry and video that way? Sounds like the controller isn't communicating with the phone, which could be just a bad cable connection. Can you borrow an iPhone to use the built in lightning connector? DJI appreciates your determination and early adopter Beta testing! :cool:
Hi, I agree that it's something wrong with the RC. Probably could borrow a co-workers IOS on Tuesday. I already scheduled Monday off because I expected to be out flying Mavic. :( Monday morning I'll be at UPS office picking-up an all terrain. electric skateboard I been waiting several months for; does about 30 mph. Plan was to shoot video with the Mavic tracking me on the board. P4 works but it's larger, I'd need a more open area than planned. Anyway, I already sent in the support form to DJI for a replacement Mavic & RC, just waiting for the shipping label. I don't want to do anything more that might screw-up the return. FYI: Mavic has an internal drive that stores captured images as well as telemetry from several points on the aircraft; I figure it's something DJI put in to use in the event of any litigation brought against them. To the best of my knowledge this 'secret' (DJI does mention/warn about it in the manual) is not readily accessible to the Owner of the aircraft, if at all. When I get my new, working Mavic I will see what I can see (talk about BB, WoW). But I digress, back to your question: I'm getting a new Mavic and just so disappointed and frustrated right now that I'd just rather wait and pretend like yesterday never happened. I recently sold off all my modded, pre-P3 stuff because everything coming out now is so much easier and compact. I'm probably going to sell the modded P3 soon as well. Just a few years ago I would have had to carry several pounds of bird, batteries and equipment, take at least 1/2 hour to set-up, then be able to fly at a decent range. And totally forget about bird following while autonomously keeping me centered in the camera shot! Now I can do all that, even in the rain if I so please, with just bird and controller! WoW. I appreciate you taking the time to make the suggestion though. Offer to fly mine with me remains open. :cool:
Hope you get it sorted out. I never sell my old gear. I just add to my fleet. I fear the Mavic may be permanently limited to it's 4 mile control range and 8 mile total flight distance, which will have its place in my golf bag and in the car, but won't be able to keep up with the 6 mile range and 12-14 mile flights of my modded P4 and P3P's from home, where the bulk doesn't matter. Still waiting on my Mavic preorders from both B&H and Best Buy. Neither are likely to arrive before December. More P4 flight time! :cool:
I kind of regret giving-up the Visions the most. Certainly not the best cam but defiantly the most durable & robust of any commercial drone ever made. Once I tried out some new props that took a nut on top, not the standard self locking type, ended-up loosing one (prop) at 900', bird fell. Took a few hours but I recovered it. Can you believe that bird still flew!?! Had to do some minor repair and can't recall if I needed to totally replace egg cam? I don't think so though, just the X-gimble. Granted crash conditions were perfect: mid-summer, 6' tall cat-tails in a marshy area for cushion, but still, a 900' drop and bird still flew! No way anything I'm familiar with that's commercially made these days could withstand that.
At least the older birds are mature and have all the bugs worked out, and have control range and battery mods already working. The size and weight and portability are an issue, but they do work, even though the GEO Trojan Horse has infected the whole lot, long before they announced its inclusion in the firmware updates! :eek:

Today received Mavic. Cannot get any connection at all between bird and controller. Have updated everything, 3 times. Uninstalled/reinstalled Go app, 3 times. Cannot connect to WiFi either. Does anyone know the default PW? I have tried everything. All I get is a white, rectangular box on the devise that says 'System UI', never encountered that before (see attached screen shot). Used all the same with P3 Pro and P4 without any trouble. I called DJI and they said just update the firmware, I did. As stated above, still nothing. I've been at it all day now. I'm giving-up in the hope of some having an answer. Thanks.

Probably long shot but do you have Litchi or any other drone s/w installed on all these devices? If so remove ALL drone software, reboot the device and reinstall DJI GO. Remember a few months back someone had a similar issue which was resolved by removing the other software.

Also are all your devices rooted? I am not familiar with the SYSTEM UI on the FC/DJI but it is a part of the Android OS so wonder if the error is actually caused by the devices rather than the FC....

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