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Mavic Pro loses connection and drops out of sky


New Member
Jul 12, 2017

On my 3rd flight with Mavic Pro it lost connection with controller after 3.5 minutes and less than 100 metres away :( . Even though RTH was set it didn't come back. Found it crashed in field opposite house, with damaged to it :(

Drone was way above any bushes or trees so did not collide with anything

Have uploaded flight log here - hope I've done it right or also via here DJI Flight Log Viewer -

Thanks in advance, as extremely concerned of faith in drone after events that happened

Regards Dave
how can it come loose once you clicked both sides in place ? Just been trying it now and can't see how that could happen. Also the fact it had been flying for 3 and half minutes with no problems up to that point
how can it come loose once you clicked both sides in place ? Just been trying it now and can't see how that could happen. Also the fact it had been flying for 3 and half minutes with no problems up to that point
Are you sure both sides were clicked in place? Are you absolutely sure you heard two clicks? If you didn't, then it wiggled itself loose during flight and will eventually disconnect from the Mavic.
Yep pretty sure, as you always get a double click sound when putting the battery in correctly. I also always double check it's not loose , as paranoid of connecting things to a flying object.

What I don't understand is the last message before I lost video feed was

Weak signal. Adjust antenna and avoid signal block.

Flight time: 05m 36s
Altitude: 75.1 ft
Home Distance: 176 ft

Whilst I can understand the message as it was the other side of my house, even though I could still see it, the drone was definitely setup to return to home if it loses signal. It didnt do this, the video stopped recording and it obviously fell to the ground.
The message came up when the aircraft lost power... It looks like a battery disconnection...

I have seen LOTS of flight data for cases like yours, when the Mavic suddenly drops out from sky... There's one thing that I see all of them have in common: the motors start up and she takes off immediately... Yours took off 4s later but I have seen lots taking off 1s after starting...

I'm seriously considering to make something around the battery to secure it better... Maybe just a strap...
Yep, it sound to me like your battery came loose. The same thing happened to me many months ago and I documented it on this forum. It took a couple of days to find my drone, but we did find it. The fact that my SD card ended the recording at the exact same time I lost connection pushed me in the direction of a complete power loss. Fast forward to today. I use the same 3 batteries I have always used (including the one in the crash). I have flown hundreds of times since that day, and I've never experience a problem. I think the forces that act on the Mavic in flight were enough to dislodge an incorrectly installed battery. Every time I fly now, I snap that little bugger in and double, then triple check it.

It took me a while to get confidence that it would just not fall out of the sky again, but it did come back and I'm sure it will with you too.

Glad you found it and I hope there is not too much damage to it.
Yep, it sound to me like your battery came loose. The same thing happened to me many months ago and I documented it on this forum. It took a couple of days to find my drone, but we did find it. The fact that my SD card ended the recording at the exact same time I lost connection pushed me in the direction of a complete power loss. Fast forward to today. I use the same 3 batteries I have always used (including the one in the crash). I have flown hundreds of times since that day, and I've never experience a problem. I think the forces that act on the Mavic in flight were enough to dislodge an incorrectly installed battery. Every time I fly now, I snap that little bugger in and double, then triple check it.

It took me a while to get confidence that it would just not fall out of the sky again, but it did come back and I'm sure it will with you too.

Glad you found it and I hope there is not too much damage to it.
Same thing happened to me today, fell but when it was falling it wasn't falling like a stone, it still had its lights on and the motors were spinning slightly, enough to keep the mavic upright, but it was coming down fast! I don't think it was a disconnected battery for me
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