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MavicPilot App??


Active Member
Sep 1, 2018
Sorry... I was "out of touch" with this forum for a good while bec I couldnt get into forum in my phone. And I decided to try to re-install the app again but couldn't find it in Google Play store.

I did searched for APP issue and it only came up with one thread which is no help. No explanation.

So What the heck happened to this APP?? I really dont want to come on forum on my computer in my house. I am using my phone 99.99% of time. I only use my computer when I am not able to access to something on my phone and to work on my photos/video. SItting in front of my computer during work is REALLY enough for me.

I am hoping that someone will bring APP back to play store... Can someone tell me what had happened???


Unfortunately we were booted from the play store a while back. Both google and apple are starting to crack down on forum apps with similar apps but just different content.

We are still looking into options but fortunately the mobile browsing experience is quite good.

“After review, MavicPilots - Mavic Forum, com.tapatalk.mavicpilotscom, has been suspended and removed from Google Play due to a policy violation.

Issue: Violation of Repetitive Content policy

We don't allow apps that merely provide the same experience as other apps already on Google Play. Apps should provide value to users through creation of unique content or services.”
Ok. Correct me if im wrong. Google and apple arent allowed anyone to have APP if they already have forum online? Not exactly sure if I understood " apps with similar app..." Or they want you to use one of their apps?? Dont we have choice of picking what app WE want to use? If this is the mistake of Google, / Apple, cant you appeal?

Right now, whenever I click on topic in weekly email and I cannot open mavicpilot forum in my chrome in my phone because it keeps going to that app. and continue to look for this app.. How am i suppose to remove app if it basically disappeared from my list?

Thanks and I hope that you will find new APP soon.
Ok. Correct me if im wrong. Google and apple arent allowed anyone to have APP if they already have forum online? Not exactly sure if I understood " apps with similar app..." Or they want you to use one of their apps?? Dont we have choice of picking what app WE want to use? If this is the mistake of Google, / Apple, cant you appeal?

No, I think the problem is they were offering an app for each forum (Mavicpilots, Phantompilots, Inspirepilots etc.) which are going to be mostly the same as each other just tailored to each forum which makes sense but from Google/Apple's point of view the apps are all just copies of each other. There's good reason for it in this case and it makes sense to offer the different apps but unfortunately I suspect they're falling foul of Apple/Google using automated sweep tools and they don't care what the reason is. There's plenty scammers out there who repackage existing apps with downloads or keep repackaging the same rubbish apps to try and keep getting downloads which are the ones Apple and Google are trying to stop.
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Ya, to clarify, Google/Apple are coming down on template or framework apps that all look/feel the same but have different content. Unfortunately, this is challenging for forums since they are all based on roughly the same software. We are using as the mobile framework for all our forums but started getting rejected on new submissions last year.

Ultimately we'll probably need to develop our own for just MavicPilots but it'll likely just be a wrapper for the mobile web experience that offers a few additional features such as notifications, , etc..

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