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Mavis Photo Issues


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2019
I have had the Mavic air for a little over a month. I love the video that comes out of the camera but I have not been impressed with the photos. I am a photographer and know that a small 12mp fixed lens isnt going to produce much but they seem especially bad. I shoot raw and in manual mode and then edit in lightroom. They either seem pixelated or out of focus. A good example is below.(raw converted to jpeg) This is right off the sd card with a couple of simple Lightroom edits. When i zoom in to 100% it just looks crappy. Any help please!DJI_0093-3.jpg
I have the ND filters on when taking photos because I usually am shooting video at the same time. Would this make a difference? Also with the fixed focus would having more ground instead of the sky make a difference?
These look fine to me.

You’re 100ft up and 200ft away from your subject, so the picture isn’t going to be totally crisp.

The Mavic Air is auto focus camera, so as-long as your shutter speed, matches your histrogram you should be fine.
These look fine to me.

You’re 100ft up and 200ft away from your subject, so the picture isn’t going to be totally crisp.

The Mavic Air is auto focus camera, so as-long as your shutter speed, matches your histrogram you should be fine.
I thought the AIR was a fixed focus? There is no way to focus it?
These look fine to me.

You’re 100ft up and 200ft away from your subject, so the picture isn’t going to be totally crisp.

The Mavic Air is auto focus camera, so as-long as your shutter speed, matches your histrogram you should be fine.
How would you think this would look being printed. I have a pro print shot close and want to get some prints.
I have the ND filters on when taking photos because I usually am shooting video at the same time. Would this make a difference?...
Unless you need polarizing, ND filters are not needed for photos. You need to keep the ISO as low as possible to avoid noise. What was your ISO set for on your samples?
I thought the AIR was a fixed focus? There is no way to focus it?
Yeah, fixed focus/auto focus.

I’ve taken tonnes of pictures with mine in lots of different lighting conditions and never had blurry pictures, below a shutter speed of 2-4 seconds.

Your images don’t look blurry to me, unles you really zoom in. Add a bit of ‘clarity’ and ‘dehase’ In Lightroom.

Like you say, you can only get so much out of a 12 MP cam.
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Have you ever tried to print any?
Yeah, fixed focus/auto focus.

I’ve taken tonnes of pictures with mine in lots of different lighting conditions and never had blurry pictures, below a shutter speed of 2-4 seconds.

Your images don’t look blurry to me, unles you really zoom in. Add a bit of ‘clarity’ and ‘dehase’ In Lightroom.

Like you say, you can only get so much out of a 12 MP cam.
Have you ever tried to print any?
Never. I take pictures to load to Instagram.

I live in the UK but took some snaps in Canada recently with my Air, as attached, not blurry at all. If I zoom in, in Lightroom there’s a high level of detail.
Never. I take pictures to load to Instagram.

I live in the UK but took some snaps in Canada recently with my Air, as attached, not blurry at all. If I zoom in, in Lightroom there’s a high level of detail.


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nice photo. I did see a lot of noise?
I’ve just realised, then when you upload pictures to this site, it seems to drop the quality. The original image is crisp. If you’ve got Instagram, my names Damian Kuhne. Take a look, most snaps are razor sharp.
I do notice on mine when I zoom in I see a lot of noise even at iso 100
I’ve just realised, then when you upload pictures to this site, it seems to drop the quality. The original image is crisp. If you’ve got Instagram, my names Damian Kuhne. Take a look, most snaps are razor sharp.
Your (1st) photo looks fine but the subject matter is soft and distant.
Shoot a well lit house at full frame if you want to see how sharp an image is.
I have the ND filters on when taking photos because I usually am shooting video at the same time. Would this make a difference?
Yes, it makes a difference.
It cuts the light getting to the sensor (a lot) which forces the camera to use a much slower shutter speed.
eg An ND16 cuts 94% of the light
Also with the fixed focus would having more ground instead of the sky make a difference?
No difference for focus since the lens has more depth of field than you could use.

I take pictures to load to Instagram.... not blurry at all. If I zoom in, in Lightroom there’s a high level of detail.
That might look good on instagram but any bigger and there's a lot of noise.
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I have had the Mavic air for a little over a month. I love the video that comes out of the camera but I have not been impressed with the photos. I am a photographer and know that a small 12mp fixed lens isnt going to produce much but they seem especially bad. I shoot raw and in manual mode and then edit in lightroom. They either seem pixelated or out of focus. A good example is below.(raw converted to jpeg) This is right off the sd card with a couple of simple Lightroom edits. When i zoom in to 100% it just looks crappy. Any help please!View attachment 72357

This isn't really noise its chromatic aberration which is sorta like noise but different cause.

"Chromatic aberration, also known as “color fringing” or “purple fringing”, is a common optical problem that occurs when a lens is either unable to bring all wavelengths of color to the same focal plane, and/or when wavelengths of color are focused at different positions in the focal plane. Chromatic aberration is caused by lens dispersion, with different colors of light travelling at different speeds while passing through a lens. As a result, the image can look blurred or noticeable colored edges (red, green, blue, yellow, purple, magenta) can appear around objects, especially in high-contrast situations.

A perfect lens would focus all wavelengths into a single focal point, where the best focus with the “circle of least confusion” is located, as shown below:

Corrected Chromatic Aberration

In reality, the refractive index for each wavelength is different in lenses, which causes two types of Chromatic Aberration – Longitudinal Chromatic Aberration and Lateral Chromatic Aberration."

Chromatic abberation is distinctive due to its green and purple fringing. Its only really noticeable in your picture if you zoom in 300% or more. You also have some red channel out of gamut that's the red shaded area but that might just be due to JPEG compression and the fix for the fringing also fixed this issue. 72442

I used Adobe Camera Raw's lens correction tool to fix the chromatic aberration color noise reduction would have done it too. 72443
I did run the photo through Dxo Define 2 as well just because the image was slightly sharp in the more distant regions and then used Dxo Output sharpening to bring back that sharpness I took away but dynamically.


  • DJI_0093-3.png
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This is a photo I took with my dslr and a 300mm lens the other night of the moon and its an extreme example of chromatic aberration. This is unedited 72445
The first one is a 5 image hdr processed in lightroom

5 image HDR may be part of the problem on that one. You are not on a tripod and you will get ghosting.

As another stated, keep you ISO low to avoid noise, and your shutter speed as fast as possible.

Are you switching to photo mode when doing stills or are you capturing while set to video mode?
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