From 1:32 to 2:36 did you notice any drift?
With regards to the section between 7:24 and 9:14 are you by any chance talking about drift after you have performed a flat moving turn, it's quite normal for that to happen, like driving a car on sheet ice, it takes a while to lose the original direction of travel so the car/drone move 'sideways'. If you wish to counter that you need to add roll/bank 'into' the corner. To be honest I don't see anything 'off' about those horizontal flights, the drone appears to be moving in the direction its pointed.
Can you give the time stamps for where you think it was drifting when you released the sticks.
As I mentioned earlier, there seems to be a disparity between where the drone's nose was pointing and where the gimbal was pointing.
This would give you the impression that the drone was drifting but it's a false impression. To take it to the extreme, imagine you could turn the gimbal to look sideways, pure forward or reverse stick would then give the impression that the drone was flying sideways.
If you really want test it first visually check whether the camera is pointing in the same direction as the drone, If it isn't there is some adjustment in the app. Start recording and then fly a long path using ONLY elevator, do not touch the rudder or aileron. Stop the drone at the end of the path turn the drone and perhaps use the RTH function to aim the drone at you, cancel the RTH and use ONLY the elevator to fly it back towards you, do not touch the rudder or aileron.
Curved flights and messing with the rudder and aileron make it difficult to see what is happening.