Well-Known Member
I got my Mini 2 back today. Actually, it is a replacement (warranty). According to the repair status the problem was related to the “Gimbal Axis Arm Module”. I took the drone out for a check flight (Fly 1.5.0-1885) and all was ok.
I bought my Mini 2 in July and so far was very happy with it. However, last week I experienced a tilted horizon (about 5°). In addition to the tilted horizon, rather than turning on-the-spot in hover by applying yaw only, the drone "jumped" around in a small circle.
I did the following:
• IMU calibration
• Compass calibration
• Camera calibration
• Firmware flash (current release)
• Different Android Fly app 1.4.2 / 1.4.8 (1185) / 1.4.12 (1420)
• Smart Controller (with current FW release)
• Standard controller with iPhone 8 (iOS 15.0.2)
• ND filter mounted/removed
• Replaced propellers
• SD card removed (DJI instruction)
Nothing helped. No wind and temperatures at around 10°C during all flights. Oh and by the way, never had a crash or hard landing.
DJI asked me to send the drone to their service center. We will see what happens…
The DJI repair facility in the Netherlands took care of my case. They were very fast.

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