Greetings everyone 
I'll be honest, I'll copy&paste my description and the attachements as I've tried multiple connections points so far:
By now, after lots of further reading, I do gain the feeling that there might be more problems like this, but other circumstances make it look like different reasons. In my case it is really hard to find a pilot's fault (and trust me, I'd be okay with being at fault. Actually, I'd prefer it, because like this my trust in this product is very low and that makes me sad). Weather was perfect, the area was completely free, the distance between me and the drone was really not too much. I do have 2 years of flight-experience with the Mini 1. I was able to fly without any issues for 10 minutes and the disconnect happened while I was standing still (also the drone) as I was simply comparing different photo-features (obviously from the same spot). And last: The fact that the drone hovered 15m away from me for the better part of 20 minutes and - no matter what - I could NOT regain any kind of connection really does not feel like my fault
The current status is that I sent it to DJI support. I do understand that they do not directly send a replacement, but having to give away my new toy on the very first day due to (what I'm fairly sure will turn out as) a product failure, that sucks. Let's see how many weeks this will take.
Does any of this ring a bell for anyone of you? If not it might still be important to know / read for others in my situation or similar situations.

I'll be honest, I'll copy&paste my description and the attachements as I've tried multiple connections points so far:
I just had that very same experience on my very first flight with the Mini 3 Pro ... Lifted off, everything normal, flew around for like 5-10 minutes, took some videos , switched to taking some photos and then:
- Screen turned greyish and image froze
- for approx. 20-30s I could still send control signals that the drone realised
- After these 30s the drone did some random stuff that resulted in Return Home... well.... almost home... it rather resulted in "hovering right over a tree due to obstacle avoidance"
- I had to span a blanket and wait for a random length of time (approx 20 minutes) until the battery was fully drained and the Mini 3 Pro crashed (fortunately into my blanket)
During these 20 Minutens I tried everything from restarting everything, reconnecting / pairing and even tried to call customer support (yes, out of office hours). By no means the remote was able to establish ANY kind of connection again after the initial loss of control. During these dreadful 20 minutes I was only 10m away from the drone (vertically, of course ...)
I did check the flight-log and I found, that at the time where the problem started, the log shows a warning 'GPS signal weak. Switeched to Attitude mode. Aircraft unable to hover. Fly with caution' , despite of having lock on 30 satellites. I do see NO reason for that as weather was very good, the area is extremely open (above fields). I attached a screenshot of this particular log-part.
This really is a ... first experience with a new "better" modelI flew the Mini 1 for 2 years now, with not a single problem ever and now this bad stuff on the very first flight.![]()
By now, after lots of further reading, I do gain the feeling that there might be more problems like this, but other circumstances make it look like different reasons. In my case it is really hard to find a pilot's fault (and trust me, I'd be okay with being at fault. Actually, I'd prefer it, because like this my trust in this product is very low and that makes me sad). Weather was perfect, the area was completely free, the distance between me and the drone was really not too much. I do have 2 years of flight-experience with the Mini 1. I was able to fly without any issues for 10 minutes and the disconnect happened while I was standing still (also the drone) as I was simply comparing different photo-features (obviously from the same spot). And last: The fact that the drone hovered 15m away from me for the better part of 20 minutes and - no matter what - I could NOT regain any kind of connection really does not feel like my fault

The current status is that I sent it to DJI support. I do understand that they do not directly send a replacement, but having to give away my new toy on the very first day due to (what I'm fairly sure will turn out as) a product failure, that sucks. Let's see how many weeks this will take.
Does any of this ring a bell for anyone of you? If not it might still be important to know / read for others in my situation or similar situations.