This was the calculated wind speeds all over the complete flight......I am curious, do you have the wind map for the entire flight including the wind at each height level?

And it was gusty... which is somewhat confirmed by the very fluctuating heading speed during the auto landing even though the OP constantly commanded full elevator together with a high degree of aileron.
Dashed graphs = stick inputs & green graph = heading speed

Maybe... but it's hard to say as we can't calculate a battery consumption for a clean descent without a forward you think the motors would have still been running when it reached the ground?
If so, would it have been able to maintain a vertical descent or would it gradually have become more susceptible to the wind and been blown down wind?
A drone during descent usually have less to fight horizontal forces (wind drift)... this as it's a balance between the descent & the tilt angle needed to counter the drift. A drone descend fastest with a tilt angle on zero... if it have to keep a steep angle to hold against winds the descent will be slower. If you look at the relation between the green (heading speed) & the blue (vertical speed) in above chart, you can see the effects of this... when the heading speed goes down (wind gusts the drone needs to fight with a steeper tilt angle) also the vertical speed goes down.