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Mini 4 Pro - Waypoints Question


Nov 22, 2020
Laval, Canada
I am new to the Mini 4 Pro and have saved a couple of waypoint flights on the RC 2 controller that I wish to execute next week. The RC 2 is hooked up to my home wi-fi which allowed me to select my waypoints via the map, however when I will go out and complete the saved flight route, does the RC 2 still need access to the internet. I know I can do it via my iPhone, but just curious as to whether this would be a absolute necessity to complete the flight. Thanks.
I am new to the Mini 4 Pro and have saved a couple of waypoint flights on the RC 2 controller that I wish to execute next week. The RC 2 is hooked up to my home wi-fi which allowed me to select my waypoints via the map, however when I will go out and complete the saved flight route, does the RC 2 still need access to the internet. I know I can do it via my iPhone, but just curious as to whether this would be a absolute necessity to complete the flight. Thanks.
I'm no expert, but have done some waypoint missions. I believe the missions are saved on your RC2, not requiring internet in the field.
I believe that the missions are stored in the drone.
The reason I believe this is:- If you set the option Waypoint mission option (on loss of signal, to continue with the missio ), then the drone is on its own and will continue with the mission even without a connection to the controller.
This can happen if you loose VLOS for example passing behind a low hill top or building.
No it doesn't but keep in mind that altitude can be an issue. I don't know how it works when you select waypoints from the map but if you do a route that you saved earlier it's important that you start from the same place or the launch altitude might not be the same which can cause problems. Also altitude from one flight to the next is not very accurate because of the limitations of GPS to each subsequent flight is really only an approximation. Camera angles are not at all exact from different flights.
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