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Mini 4Pro Remote Control Settings


Well-Known Member
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Premium Pilot
May 28, 2021
Nassau County Long Island, NY
Long time mini 2 flyer, and I just received my mini 4 Pro with the RC2 controller that has the screen attached.

During the set up process for some reason it wouldn't connect to my Wi-Fi and I had to go back into settings and pick a different Wi-Fi connection.

I had a very difficult time, figuring out how to get into settings on the RC2. Here's the trick…

If you swipe down from the top of the main screen, a very small bar at the top will show you the time, Wi-Fi, battery level, etc..

In order to get into the remote control 2 settings, you have to swipe down TWICE IMG_2652.jpegfrom the top of the screen, it's a little tricky. Below are some of the screenshots. The little dot in the top right corner will get you to the third screen

I am having difficulty to get the RC2 controller to save screen recordings to my SD card. I have a 64GB card inserted and I believe that I set up the SD card properly because I have a white screen which says:
"Your SD card is ready to use" and on the bottom right, you have a blue box that allows you to press "DONE"
However, every time that I choose the Record Screen option, the files do not save to the SD card. Instead, they save to Internal Storage where I have 32GB available.
I did not find any instructions in the Mini 4 Pro user manual regarding the settings on the DJI RC 2 Remote Controller which is shown at page 15 of the manual.
How can I set up the Portable Storage to record screen recording to the SD card?
Screen recordings are kept in internal memory. No way to save them to the SD card automatically. Just move them over.
Screen recordings are kept in internal memory. No way to save them to the SD card automatically. Just move them over.
Thank you for that info. I always obtained my screen recordings on my Mini 3 Pro from the SD card in the RC unit.
I assumed that this was the standard method with the RC 2 unit.
What is the purpose of having an SD card in the Mini Pro RC 2 unit that can't be handled by its 32 GB internal memory?
However, every time that I choose the Record Screen option, the files do not save to the SD card. Instead, they save to Internal Storage where I have 32GB available.
If you are showing 32GB of internal storage, that must be on an SD card because the built-in internal storage is only 2GB.
If you are showing 32GB of internal storage, that must be on an SD card because the built-in internal storage is only 2GB.
My bad. I thought that I had seen 32 GB on the internal memory, but see attached photos showing internal / external (SD) memory and the small amount of data migrated to SD.
Internal storage has 21.6GB at start and same at end of migration, with 9.4GB used. No change in data sizes before and after.


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My bad. I thought that I had seen 32 GB on the internal memory, but see attached photos showing internal / external (SD) memory and the small amount of data migrated to SD.
Internal storage has 21.6GB at start and same at end of migration, with 9.4GB used. No change in data sizes before and after.


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Update to today's earlier message on the amount of storage on the RC2.

In fact, it does have 32GB of storage.
After exploring the DJI Support Forum under the heading of:
"Where are the Screen Recordings stored on the SD Card of the RC2?"
The comments make it very clear that it is impossible to store screen recordings to the RC2, contrary to the Mini 3 Pro system where screen recordings are stored on the SD card.
See this comment from jodyb:
I really feel this needs to be changed. There’s no point in even having an sd card in the controller if it’s just going to save to the internal storage regardless if you’ve selected to use sd card for storage. Yes, you can explore the internal storage and select your screen recordings and move them to the sd card, but by the time I do that, I could connect it to my laptop and have had them copied over to the SD card from the controller. That’s adding a step to the process and counter intuitive. Why do twice the work when it’s not necessary.
I also found this method for copying internal screen recordings to the SD card, tried it and it works:
I think I have found a way to subvert this and copy a screen recording to the SD card in 9 simple steps …

- swipe down twice on the controller to get the quick screen, and press and hold the Screen Record button
- you now should see a Movies folder with your screen recordings in it. So select and play the screen recording you want, just briefly will do.
- get back to the main screen by swiping left
- get back to the quick screen by swiping down twice, but this time press Explore on the SD card panel
- press the three horizontal bars on the top let to get to the Files menu and press Recent
- you now SHOULD see the screen recording file you viewed previously. Don’t press it or it will play, but press and hold to select it
- with it now selected press the three dot menu top right, and press Copy to …
- press the three horizontal bars top left and select your SD card as the destination
- press the blue copy button at the bottom of the screen and it is copies to the SD card, which you can now remove and plug into your PC etc.
Yes indeed, it seems the M4P has 2GB of built-in internal storage on the drone and 32GB on the RC2. So why not connect the RC to your PC to offload the screen recordings and save yourself an SD card?
That's what I plan to do in future. I see no need for the SD card.
It appears that others have had the same questions regarding the RC2 and DJI has not really done a good job to explain the differences between the Mini 3 Pro and the Mini 4 Pro as it relates to storage of screen recordings.
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