Yesterday I flew my mini3 in high wind. it was steady 8-9m/s, and it handled it quite well. Could do 8m/s in sport against the wind.
In RTH it flies to the exact takeoff point at RTH alt, but when descending it get pushed backwards by the wind. So it misses the landing sport with at least 50meters.
I canceled the RTH and landed manually without problems.
Strange, have anyone seen something similar?
A little bit worrying since I plan to program some autonomous followme flights and I always used RTH as a backup.
Now it seems like I have to program the whole RTH myself.
In RTH it flies to the exact takeoff point at RTH alt, but when descending it get pushed backwards by the wind. So it misses the landing sport with at least 50meters.
I canceled the RTH and landed manually without problems.
Strange, have anyone seen something similar?
A little bit worrying since I plan to program some autonomous followme flights and I always used RTH as a backup.
Now it seems like I have to program the whole RTH myself.