You've essentially outsmarted the SMART in the battery which is there to protect the BATTERY. Once a Lipo get down to a certain low charge state (~3V/cell) it causes irreparable chemical damage to the battery.
DO NOT Try to recover/recharge this now SUSPECT battery. Safely dispose of it and under NO circumstances try to recharge it. An overly discharged LIPO could potentially lead to FIRE during a recharge after an OVER discharge. Internal damage (invisible from the outside) is NOT something you want to play around with.
Hm Hm Hm.
The first Mini3pro drone had a communication error with the battery. They replaced my drone. Fortunately, the flight ended with a completely empty battery (the drone fell from about one meter at 49% battery status) because I happened to be looking at the camera settings. Why didn't you replace my battery when the error information is clear and the battery status is crystal clear.