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Mounting Location of FIrehouse Strobe

TX Steve

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
I received my FIrehouse Arc Pro strobes today I was wondering where others have mounted theirs. If the drone flies at the same angle as it sits on its legs I would think mounting it closer to the front but does that affect the balance of the drone?

Any pictures of yours?
What is the intended purpose of the strobe, to aid your finding it in the sky or to be visible to the pilots of manned aircraft?
Mine is the former and I attached the strobe to the rear of the drone's body but tilted to point slightly downward. I used a pad of epoxy putty to make the mount.

With regards to balance, I wouldn't worry about that, the drone will compensate by adding a few RPM to the weight bearing motors besides the strobe doesn't weigh much.
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What is the intended purpose of the strobe, to aid your finding it in the sky or to be visible to the pilots of manned aircraft?
Mine is the former and I attached the strobe to the rear of the drone's body but tilted to point slightly downward. I used a pad of epoxy putty to make the mount.

With regards to balance, I wouldn't worry about that, the drone will compensate by adding a few RPM to the weight bearing motors besides the strobe doesn't weigh much.
I intent is for it to be visible to pilots of manned aircraft.

Do you by chance have a picture of it?

I intent is for it to be visible to pilots of manned aircraft.

Do you by chance have a picture of it?

In that case it must go on the top of the drone, it's the only suitable place that will give a hemisperical light pulse and manned aircraft will hopefully be above the drone. Just be wary of putting over the GPS antennae, you would have to google the location of that.
Position the strobe anywhere else i.e. sides, rear or bottom, and it will, from some points of view, be masked by the drone's body.
I will see what I can dig up with regards a photo but I doubt you would need such a pad for a top mounted strobe
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