Hey EndEffect
I feel really bad posting this and please tell me to butt out if you disagree.
Firstly these images are really high quality and thank you for posting full resolution as I'm hovering over buying a
MP2 and seeing shots like this is great. I have been watching this and the DJI forum for a while as I want to be sure before spend the $3300 New Zealand dollars I need to fork out.
Now some will say I'm pixel peeping but I blow my shots up big and pixel peeping is appreciated when you viewers are looking at larger prints/canvases. Anyway cutting to the chase over on DJI's forum...
Mavic 2 Pro. Anyone else dealing with really soft corners?
There are several users having issues with soft corners and soft areas of the lens on their
MP2's. I'm the first to admits lenses will fall off in the corners but when your fall off is uneven or in patches I think there is an issue with the optic. Yes you can argue the optics in a drone aren't going to be the same as a full frame DSLR but you at least want consistency.
In your images and in particular the first diagonal tree shot it really shows up to me that your top left hand corner if not in fact left hand side is not as sharp as your other corners. The trouble with drone images is that it becomes more obvious as from this height depth of field should have minimal effect.
I'm just saying. I see this was taken at f2.8 and this is the most conspicuous f/stop. If I were you I would be taking a similar shot at f5.6 and see if this improves, it doesn't need much but if it was me and I thought I had an overly unsharp corner I would be approaching DJI to replace especially if you are paying good money for "Hasselblad" quality.
Good luck and keep up the great work, I really want to capture images like this too when I get my drone!