The throttle stick was indeed held down at the end of the recorded flight; the AC descended from a height of 48.6m to 25.2 and then the log ends. Hard to say it landed normally at 25m above ground.
View attachment 90756
The problem was partly the usual one in these conditions - the VPS height sensor was confused by the fog. At the end of the flight as it was descending the VPS height went to zero and the FC concluded that it was on the ground (OSD_groundOrSky = "Ground") and shut down the motors (OSD_isMotorUp = "False").
That shouldn't have happened though, because the IMU was still reporting a vertical descent speed of 2.5 m/s. It appears to have been complicated by "motor blocked" flags and "not enough force" flags:
Unwise to fly in those conditions, but that was an aircraft fault.