I think it should work well for you. I'm getting much farther distance with my amps. I flew up a mountain/foothll 3.5 miles from here which has a power station and high tension power lines nearby. I used to get disconnected before even getting close, but now I keep on going up the hill until until I'm running too low on battery at over 18000 feet out and 1600 feet up. I can't fly to the top because I'm limited by my altitude (it's taller than 1600 feet) and battery. I've always wanted to be able to fly up that section but could never get there before due to disconnects. I still have weak areas like around the new Apple spaceship building that blocks my signal, but I'm able to fly through it with my broken video signal, but makes it hard to have good control of the yaw, pitch, and roll on my pan. I managed to fly all the way around it my panning sideways at 200ft altitude and 9000 feet away which I would never do before the amps. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied. It's never going to be perfect, but it's MUCH better than stock setup after the amps.