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need some advice


Nov 29, 2019
Hi all, I'm new to all of this and need some advice. I have a Mavic 2 pro that I've had for about a week. flew a few times and have been really impressed with it. unfortunately I had an accident today, flew straight into a lamp post one propeller broke in half and all the rest are chipped, battery came off, scuffs and scratches in quite a few places and a dent to the left side of the drone. one of the front arms is a bit stiff but I have replaced two propellers and when I got home I check if it worked ok and it took off and hovered all ok but obviously quite worried. any advice would be highly appreciated
I would replace all of the props that were chipped. Can you post a picture of the dent to the left side ? Would help the members here to determine how much damage was actually done.
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Sure thing appreciate your help and response. I’ve attached the pics off all the damage but not the props cause gonna replace them all. 21AEBF2A-E85C-42F9-B917-9FFE0753BCE0.jpeg3F6FEA60-39A2-45AD-BAC0-9866BF836F4F.jpeg22B14982-182D-4A70-8DDC-FDF4A5DC3C0D.jpeg25077FFE-0127-4B23-BC21-CB6D28D8D8EA.jpeg79CF721C-3690-48ED-A276-71BF910ED72D.jpeg
like I said everything still works of from what I can see and drone takes off and hovers ok but haven't done a full test outdoors yet but will do tomorrow but left arm where dent is is a lot stiffer than right side
From the looks of the picture with the battery, I would highly suggest you make sure the battery is securely locked in place before flying. Looks like it might be dented in such a way as to not allow a secure connection. Very Bad! ;-)
Ouch, I believe you're OK. It will fly well, the computer and sensors will keep it inline. I can imagine how you feel it still being new but beat up, it just shows you how hardy it really is.
hey Tape, you have no idea man I'm so upset and keep kicking myself! I only just got it and in the process of getting my licence to start working with it and this happens.??. it seems to be ok but just annoying and upsetting this happened so soon. thank you for your advice really appreciate it!
Yeah it's fine, once the "new" rubs off it won't be so bad. Everyone flying in "sport" mode crashes, I did as well and I only had it 2 days, flew it straight into a pine tree and then it fell about 30 feet but didn't hurt it as bad as you did.

Enjoy :)
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Glad to see its basically OK, take it easy and keep an eye on how it preforms next time you take it out.
Don't let the mishap put you off go have fun.
At least you didn't back over it with your car a month after you bought it because you forgot the flymore bag on the ground as you were packing other stuff.
Refresh to the rescue, although the repair quote wasn't too bad.
Hi KarinM86,
I’m sorry to hear and see the pictures of your mishap. Do you happen to have DJI refresh?
Blue skies, from SoCal
Yeah it's fine, once the "new" rubs off it won't be so bad.

Exactly what Tape said!? Also keep in mind that in the final analysis the M2P is a tool. As long as it functions as designed your golden. It’s a camera platform so be sure you check all functions of the gimbal and camera.
Best of luck.
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Sorry to hear about your crash, but as long as she flies, you should be good to go. Just double no scratches on front of the camera lens or filter. Is so that might affect picture and video quality. Filter could be replaced fairly easy, less so the camera unless you have the refresh plan.
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This thread illustrates why this forum is invaluable ... so glad to have it ...
thank you all guys really appreciate all your advice!

I am really worried about the arm and the dent tho. I flew it properly yesterday
and it was really good no issues at all. but the arm is really stiff when you unfold and fold and its actu
scrapping inside and I'm worried its just going to cause more damage over time
thank you all guys really appreciate all your advice!

I am really worried about the arm and the dent tho. I flew it properly yesterday
and it was really good no issues at all. but the arm is really stiff when you unfold and fold and its actu
scrapping inside and I'm worried its just going to cause more damage over time
That was the main reason I asked if you had DJI refresh, overtime it might become more pronounced the damage.
Blue skies from SoCal
That was the main reason I asked if you had DJI refresh, overtime it might become more pronounced the damage.
Blue skies from SoCal
unfortunately I don't and was in the process of uploading a video to DJI showing my drone works and flies fine so I can purchase it
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If it's binding and flying well, is there a problem leaving it unfolded? if I could feel some resistance when folding I would not fold it. You will get "material fatigue" like bending a piece of tin back and forth.
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