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As my mac crashed, I had no problem setting the systemup on a new one, using the last backup. Within a few hours I had a new book and it was on the software-level I had before the crash. No need for new software.
Did you use the "migrationassisten" Apple has standard installed?
I really didn't know that Resolve does not have the ability to separate the video from the audio. That would certainly be a deal breaker for me and reason enough to stay with my Premiere. In the majority of my videos, the audio is unwanted noise (wind, crying kids, etc). I can just drag the video into the time line and add my own sound effects, easily obtained from You Tube and many other places.

As you all must know, Adobe Premiere, like all Adobe products, are portable. Thus, you can activate it from any computer in the world. You have two activations. If you travel to another place without your computer, you can upload the programs (Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere, etc) from the remote computer. You of course have to de-activate one of the other programs, such as the one on the computer you left at home.
I didn't know about PE. Just checked the system requirements and my MacBook may accept it. Thanks for the tip!
Another thing to consider is perhaps an increase of RAM. My laptop had the base of 8 and I upped to 32. Everything is significantly faster!
I really didn't know that Resolve does not have the ability to separate the video from the audio. That would certainly be a deal breaker for me and reason enough to stay with my Premiere.
Resolve does this easily. It’s a simple right click to bring up the menu and unselect “Link clips.” The original poster just didn’t know how to do it.
Resolve does this easily. It’s a simple right click to bring up the menu and unselect “Link clips.” The original poster just didn’t know how to do it.
That would make a lot of sense! Cannot imaging not being able to remove an unwanted sound track.
That would make a lot of sense! Cannot imaging not being able to remove an unwanted sound track.
Davinci Resolve is one of the main editing programs in Hollywood. Of course they are using professional editing consoles, but I would reckon that there isn't anything that Davinci couldn't do that Premier could. They, like Final Cut, just do things differently.

I'd like to learn Final Cut one day because it know it does some things easier than Davinci or Premier. But unfortunately instead of renting software on a monthly basis as with Premier, for Final Cut you pay the Apple penalty of paying twice as much for the required Mac system than a similarly powered PC system. It has also been my experience that Macs have half the useable life expectancy as PC's. I had a studio full of Macs, so I've been down that road. I still have one old Macbook Pro that lives at my daughter's house- but needed $500 to keep it alive. My 13 year old Sony Vaio DuoCore laptop (that I'm typing on right now) keeps on chugging. Just sayin'.
Davinci Resolve is one of the main editing programs in Hollywood. Of course they are using professional editing consoles, but I would reckon that there isn't anything that Davinci couldn't do that Premier could. They, like Final Cut, just do things differently.

I'd like to learn Final Cut one day because it know it does some things easier than Davinci or Premier. But unfortunately instead of renting software on a monthly basis as with Premier, for Final Cut you pay the Apple penalty of paying twice as much for the required Mac system than a similarly powered PC system. It has also been my experience that Macs have half the useable life expectancy as PC's. I had a studio full of Macs, so I've been down that road. I still have one old Macbook Pro that lives at my daughter's house- but needed $500 to keep it alive. My 13 year old Sony Vaio DuoCore laptop (that I'm typing on right now) keeps on chugging. Just sayin'.
I have had the opposite experience. I started my computer life with the most expensive Dell Towers PC. For years, I went through a series of Dell PC's . Each one required at least one visit from my computer tech every 4-6 weeks. He actually became like part of the family because my wife would engage him in gossip and political conversations for hours. There was hardly ever a time when I didn't need something fixed on my PC.

I am happy to report that for the past several years of owning an iMAC, I have not had one problem with my computer that could not be helped with a call to Apple Support in Cupertino, which of course, was free. I also own a Mac Book Pro and the same applies- perfectly running and user friendly.

One of the happiest days of my life was dumping the Dell PC (I gave it to my tech so he could use it for parts).
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I have had the opposite experience. I started my computer life with the most expensive Dell Towers PC. For years, I went through a series of Dell PC's . Each one required at least one visit from my computer tech every 4-6 weeks. He actually became like part of the family because my wife would engage him in gossip and political conversations for hours. There was hardly ever a time when I didn't need something fixed on my PC.

I am happy to report that for the past several yeas of owning an iMAC, I have not had one problem with my computer that could not be helped with a call to Apple Support in Cupertino, which of course, was free. I also one a Mac Book Pr and the same applies- perfectly running and user friendly.

One of the happiest days of my life was dumping the Dell PC (I gave it to my tech so he could use it for parts).
I bought an original IBM PC when they first came out....8086 chip. After that I began building my own PCs and never looked back. I learned a tremendous amount over the years and could troubleshoot any issues I had, both hardware and software.

I am typically N-1 when it comes to the hardware and components but still enough horsepower to run anything I throw at it.
I have had the opposite experience. I started my computer life with the most expensive Dell Towers PC. For years, I went through a series of Dell PC's . Each one required at least one visit from my computer tech every 4-6 weeks. He actually became like part of the family because my wife would engage him in gossip and political conversations for hours. There was hardly ever a time when I didn't need something fixed on my PC.

I am happy to report that for the past several years of owning an iMAC, I have not had one problem with my computer that could not be helped with a call to Apple Support in Cupertino, which of course, was free. I also own a Mac Book Pro and the same applies- perfectly running and user friendly.

One of the happiest days of my life was dumping the Dell PC (I gave it to my tech so he could use it for parts).
Apple has to be doing something right to have the kind of customer base it has. My experience comes from being a (former) photography studio owner that required 2-3 work stations and a server. My first Mac was purchased (I think) in 1987 and I stayed Mac until sometime past when Apple introduced OSX. My (adult) kids have been indoctrinated, though I think my youngest came over to the dark side with me. I recall installing Appletalk throughout the studio so the Macs could communicate. I recall the last Mac I had at my desk, a dual processor tower. At the time I was doing a lot of design and a lot of my own printing from Photoshop. It took Apple TWO YEARS to come out with printer drivers for OSX and to print I had to revert to OS9.x. That tower crapped out just before the extended warranty was over and was replaced, and died two years later. during that time is when I started exploring PC's and found no disadvantages to the PC's whereas Apple tries to keep as much stuff proprietary as possible. I HATE iTunes! One by one I replaced the Macs, which were upwards of $2000 each at the time as I recall with PC's that were somewhere between $500-$900. And as I said, I've never had a Mac last more than 3-5 years without major repair costs. The average life span of my PC's has been 12 years.

It is possible that, I may in the future, try a Mac Mini, only because Davinci has been programmed to optimize the M1 chip and the mini is around $800 before upgrades and it might be a gateway to try Final Cut Pro. We'll see.
Apple has to be doing something right to have the kind of customer base it has. My experience comes from being a (former) photography studio owner that required 2-3 work stations and a server. My first Mac was purchased (I think) in 1987 and I stayed Mac until sometime past when Apple introduced OSX. My (adult) kids have been indoctrinated, though I think my youngest came over to the dark side with me. I recall installing Appletalk throughout the studio so the Macs could communicate. I recall the last Mac I had at my desk, a dual processor tower. At the time I was doing a lot of design and a lot of my own printing from Photoshop. It took Apple TWO YEARS to come out with printer drivers for OSX and to print I had to revert to OS9.x. That tower crapped out just before the extended warranty was over and was replaced, and died two years later. during that time is when I started exploring PC's and found no disadvantages to the PC's whereas Apple tries to keep as much stuff proprietary as possible. I HATE iTunes! One by one I replaced the Macs, which were upwards of $2000 each at the time as I recall with PC's that were somewhere between $500-$900. And as I said, I've never had a Mac last more than 3-5 years without major repair costs. The average life span of my PC's has been 12 years.

It is possible that, I may in the future, try a Mac Mini, only because Davinci has been programmed to optimize the M1 chip and the mini is around $800 before upgrades and it might be a gateway to try Final Cut Pro. We'll see.
My iMAC (27 inch monitor) was a purchased 2017 (4 years ago). It is still going strong. My Mac Book Pro is new (2020) because I carelessly left it (the old one) in checked baggage for a short hop flight in Madagascar. When I got my bags the laptop was gone, but it had been going strong for longer than the iMAC.

I found the MAC to be superior in graphics programs such as Photoshop, and all of the rest. It is not subject to the constant need for a computer tech to fix things that I just cannot figure out on my own.

The Cloud:
Everything I do on the iPhone, Mac or Mac Book pro is in the cloud so if I enter a new contact to my phone, it immediately appears in all three devices. If I change an item in an Excel program (which I purchased separately from MAC from Microsoft) that change immediately appears in the spread sheet on all devices at once.

I can Air Drop the largest video files or any full Rez image from myiPhone to my iMAC in seconds with no separate software. Anything that I film with the iPhone using OM4 gimbal or Osmo Action, our Osmo Pocket, is Air Dropped to the MAC where I can instantly work on the files in Photoshop, Lightroom, and Premiere.

I have been getting free support on all devices from Apple since I have owned them.

In summary, I LOOOVE my MAC.

My iMAC (27 inch monitor) was a purchased 2017 (4 years ago)........

In summary, I LOOOVE my MAC.

I have found Apple causes "polarized" reactions in the IT community.....either, for the most part, you love it or hate it.

Their proprietary approach to products turned me off after having 2 iPods even though I hacked them to open up the system to use how I wanted to, not having to rely on iTunes.

To each his own.....if it floats your boat(s), great!
I’m in the middle ?

I’ve been building my own PCs for 2 decades. I simply cannot bring myself to pay the inflated price tag on a MAC with inferior specs. I’m also a sale shopper so I tend to start buying components ~6 months before I plan to assemble. Some people would say by doing that I’m buying “dated” tech, but I have no need for the flagship model of every component so I choose to buy second or third best with substantial savings.

On the other hand, my entire household is iPhone(9) and iPad(6). I don’t care for Android. I have no desire to customize my mobile devices and prefer the ease of use of the Apple mobile platform.
I’m in the middle ?

I’ve been building my own PCs for 2 decades. I simply cannot bring myself to pay the inflated price tag on a MAC with inferior specs. I’m also a sale shopper so I tend to start buying components ~6 months before I plan to assemble. Some people would say by doing that I’m buying “dated” tech, but I have no need for the flagship model of every component so I choose to buy second or third best with substantial savings.

On the other hand, my entire household is iPhone(9) and iPad(6). I don’t care for Android. I have no desire to customize my mobile devices and prefer the ease of use of the Apple mobile platform.
I agree. Even without building your own you can find helladeals if you look. I have this stupid sort of luck with stuff and two years ago ended up with an Alienware (Dell) Aurora R7 for $800. Got it pumped up to 48GB of installed ram with a GTX1070 graphics card. It's now got two SSD drives for 1.5 TB and a regular drive with an additional 4TB. I've probably got just over $1100 into it. A Mac Mini in 2018 with only 8GB ram, one HD with comparable processor BEFORE UPGRADES would be $1500. And that doesn't include the bazillion USB ports (most occupied), three video ports and a ton of other features that the Mac Mini doesn't have without putting ports and adapters on it.

I agree. Even without building your own you can find helladeals if you look. I have this stupid sort of luck with stuff and two years ago ended up with an Alienware (Dell) Aurora R7 for $800. Got it pumped up to 48GB of installed ram with a GTX1070 graphics card. It's now got two SSD drives for 1.5 TB and a regular drive with an additional 4TB. I've probably got just over $1100 into it. A Mac Mini in 2018 with only 8GB ram, one HD with comparable processor BEFORE UPGRADES would be $1500. And that doesn't include the bazillion USB ports (most occupied), three video ports and a ton of other features that the Mac Mini doesn't have without putting ports and adapters on it.

Fair enough but the M1 Macs are substantially less expensive. I got a Mac Mini for $800 recently and it outperforms my 2019 i9 32 GB RAM MacBook Pro (that cost more than 3x as much) on photo and video editing.
Fair enough but the M1 Macs are substantially less expensive. I got a Mac Mini for $800 recently and it outperforms my 2019 The Federal Reserve is going to be under pressure to raise interest rates to cool down the economy that is seeing hug (that cost more than 3x as much) on photo and video editing.
You paid how much for the MacBook Pro??? $800 x 3= $2400. You got it at the right time. B&H is selling the 2019 models for $3000-$3200. A similarly or better powered PC laptop would be $1000 less and my experience would be that the PC would longer life expectancy. My first Sony Vaio, purchased circa 2007 is probably just nearing it's end of life- with every day use since its purchase. My 2011 MacBook Pro with $500 in repairs has been pretty much on life support for a long time. It lives at my daughter's house for when I need a basic computer while baby sitting pretty much for browsing the internet. Not much good for anything else. FWIW back in the day I used to be a Mac evangelist. I wish I could still say that.

But you're right. If you need to be in the Mac eco-system for whatever reason the M1 Mini is a great buy.
My iMAC (27 inch monitor) was a purchased 2017 (4 years ago). It is still going strong. My Mac Book Pro is new (2020) because I carelessly left it (the old one) in checked baggage for a short hop flight in Madagascar. When I got my bags the laptop was gone, but it had been going strong for longer than the iMAC.

I found the MAC to be superior in graphics programs such as Photoshop, and all of the rest. It is not subject to the constant need for a computer tech to fix things that I just cannot figure out on my own.

The Cloud:
Everything I do on the iPhone, Mac or Mac Book pro is in the cloud so if I enter a new contact to my phone, it immediately appears in all three devices. If I change an item in an Excel program (which I purchased separately from MAC from Microsoft) that change immediately appears in the spread sheet on all devices at once.

I can Air Drop the largest video files or any full Rez image from myiPhone to my iMAC in seconds with no separate software to combine videos online. Anything that I film with the iPhone using OM4 gimbal or Osmo Action, our Osmo Pocket, is Air Dropped to the MAC where I can instantly work on the files in Photoshop, Lightroom, and Premiere.

I have been getting free support on all devices from Apple since I have owned them.

In summary, I LOOOVE my MAC.

I'm looking for some recommendations on video editing software. I know there's plenty out there, and that's why it's crucial to find a good base. I've done some research and even downloaded one, but it didn't work so well for me... at all. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good ones out there.... something similar to how audacity works with the whole "select what you want (e.g 4:13-5:02), and apply that affect (e.g noise reduction) to it."

I have a windows 10 laptop PC, plenty of space, and I'm willing to spend some money....

Any help would be appreciated. I'm kind of stuck.
I'm looking for some recommendations on video editing software. I know there's plenty out there, and that's why it's crucial to find a good base. I've done some research and even downloaded one, but it didn't work so well for me... at all. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good ones out there.... something similar to how audacity works with the whole "select what you want (e.g 4:13-5:02), and apply that affect (e.g noise reduction) to it."

I have a windows 10 laptop PC, plenty of space, and I'm willing to spend some money....

Any help would be appreciated. I'm kind of stuck.
Davinci Resolve [FREE or Paid Version is Great!]

One of the main editing programs in Hollywood.
Of course they are using professional editing consoles
That help if you are doing it most of the time.
I have a $300.00 new in box Speed Editor could let go for $200.00
My desk is just not big enough for it and my Full Size Keyboard and mouse.

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