Well-Known Member
Oh yes I know the sticks return to zero input but the drone does not suddenly stop on the spot like it does out of ATTI mode. That is what I'm talking about. You would still need to apply a reverse action to get the drone to stop, and just the right amount too, or it will start going in the other direction if too much is applied. And of course the wind will blow it where ever it is blowing, so it needs a lot of control inputs to keep it steady. Of course I understand it keeps in level flight at all times and stays at the height you left it.Not on the mavic and phantoms - even in ATTI releasing the sticks returns to 0 roll, 0 pitch. So whilst it doesnt brake to maintain a position it coasts to a halt. You dont need to return pitch to 0 by applying reverse stick although you can if you want to speed up the process.
It drifts on the wind yes but from a neutral pitch and roll.
I fly atti on the M2 quite a bit in areas where GPS is weak or intermittent to stop it suddenly jumping around several meters as the signal quality changes (narrow canyons, woodland in summer etc).
But for someone who does not fly a lot in ATTI mode, it will be quite a handful when flying that way, which is what I was originally stating.