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New Bag, light, portable and cheap


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2017
There's my new bag. Handsome.
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I have something similar being delivered on Friday.. $15 on Amazon. It'll be temporary, but honestly I can't find anything else I really like under about $50 or so. I've been using a padded camera insert in a backpack right now and I kind of like that more than I do a Pelican style case since I can throw other stuff in all of the pockets.
I can't find the link but someone posted a backpack on here that looked pretty cool.
There's my new bag. Handsome.

I ordered these exact cases off of Amazon. They took 3 weeks to reach me and when I opened the package, the cases reaked of cigarette smoke. They are still airing out in the garage 1 week after I got them and the smell is still very strong. I am wondering if anybody else got that lovely surprise smell as well.
Mine arrived with strange smell too. But this kind of Chinese stuff, it's pretty normal.
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I have the same cases... just got 'em a few days ago, and love them - but man do they reek. They smell like they were stored in a cigar shop. Nonetheless, great cases.
Same here :(
They're airing out in the garage where they've been for 2 weeks now. I checked them yesterday , the smell hasn't dissipated yet. They smell like a weird mix of cigarette smoke & new sneakers. It's really unfortunate since they're actually quite nice. When I was contacted by the seller for a review I mentioned the peculiar smell, they promptly refunded me $10.
Same here :(
They're airing out in the garage where they've been for 2 weeks now. I checked them yesterday , the smell hasn't dissipated yet. They smell like a weird mix of cigarette smoke & new sneakers. It's really unfortunate since they're actually quite nice. When I was contacted by the seller for a review I mentioned the peculiar smell, they promptly refunded me $10.
If the seller refunded me with 10 bucks, them it will be almost free. [emoji2]
Mine Stank too, but I can't complain because the ad said they may have a weird odour, I didn't care then can't care now either i guess! hahaahahahaha
I got mine yesterday and I'm bummed that I probably won't use them... I think it's stupid that they were designed not taking the most common thing people do to the Mavic Pro--which is adding the landing gear extensions. Mine won't fit in the bag unless I take the landing gear off, which sort of defeats the purpose since there's nowhere to store them in the case/bag... which means I'll probably forget or lose them.

Do you guys not have landing gear extensions? Or do you just put them on and off every time you fly?
I don´t have landing gear, so It's perfect for me. The other stuff like batteries go fine in backpack.
I ordered these exact cases off of Amazon. They took 3 weeks to reach me and when I opened the package, the cases reaked of cigarette smoke. They are still airing out in the garage 1 week after I got them and the smell is still very strong. I am wondering if anybody else got that lovely surprise smell as well.

Have you or anyone else found the smell to get better?
Mine just arrived today, airing out in the garage. My goal was to have a small case to throw in my suitcase when I travel, but I don't want that smell anywhere near my clothes.

If it is a matter of airing out I can wait, but if it doesn't ever get better I might as well return them.
I received mine on 03/09 , they've been airing out in the garage ever since . I checked them yesterday, they still smell just as bad.
Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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