I finally received my Mavic Pro on Monday, December 12th (after a two-and-a-half month wait). The drone flew flawlessly up until this afternoon.
When the Mavic took-off, it began to shake violently and even had trouble holding its hover position. Here is what we know:
- The Mavic has never been crashed,
- The propellors have been carefully inspected (and even replaced with a new set),
- All motors and parts feel solid and tight,
- The IMU and compass have been recalibrated multiple times, and
- The Mavic flew perfectly yesterday evening (and a dozen times prior to that).
Anyone seen this before? Any thoughts short of returning the drone to DJI?
When I first received the Mavic, I was unaware of the new DJI Go app. My initial unboxing and firmware upgrade was using the DJI GO 3.1.1 app. Of course, there were no apparent issues with the operation or behavior of the aircraft using the older app (with more than 15 flights over 5 days). When I learned of and downloaded the DJI GO 4 app, the aircraft began the shaking as seen in the above video. Initially, thinking that it could have been a result of the app, I disconnected my mobile device, restarted the UAS, and the issue persisted without the mobile device attached. I also attempted the flight with the older DJI GO 3.1.1 app, and there was no resolution. I immediately discounted the mobile app as the culprit.
After MANY failed attempts and tests to resolve the issue, I downgraded the firmware (to 01.02.9), and re-updated the firmware using the DJI GO 4 app. PROBLEM SOLVED!
My take away/conclusion: Do NOT upgrade the Mavic firmware with anything other than the DJI GO 4 app. In addition, the 01.03 firmware update from 3.1.1 is somehow different, or incomplete, compared to the one initiated through 4.0. The 3.1.1 updated aircraft became unstable once the 4.0 app was connected (and disconnecting the device made no resolve the issue, nor did the use of the 3.1.1 app).
YMMV. Thank you for all of the insights and troubleshooting efforts, folks!