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New Option for Loss of Signal


Feb 3, 2020
Marlboro, MA
Not sure if folks have noticed, but the new DJI Fly app has 3 options now in the SAFETY menu for what the MM does on loss of signal. You must select hover, land, or RTH.

I dont get it, if you lose signal do you want MM to land where you dont know what’s under it? Do you want it to hover while you cant communicate with it? WTF??
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I dont get it, if you lose signal do you want MM to land where you dont know what’s under it? Do you want it to hover while you cant communicate with it? WTF??
These are the same options that are available for other DJI drones that use DJI Go 4.
RTH is the right option for most fliers, most of the time.
The others are for special situations where RTH might not be a good choice, like flying indoors or under tree cover etc.
I asked about this in another thread, but does any drone have something like a "retrace route" option for loss of signal, just flying backwards over the recent path until the connection was restored?
I asked about this in another thread, but does any drone have something like a "retrace route" option for loss of signal, just flying backwards over the recent path until the connection was restored?
Not any DJI drone I’m aware of... that said my M2P will retrace it’s path for a few seconds trying to regain signal from the controller, but then does a beeline RTH. In this event I can still abort the RTH and proceed as desired.
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I asked about this in another thread, but does any drone have something like a "retrace route" option for loss of signal, just flying backwards over the recent path until the connection was restored?
Three and a half years back the Phantom 4 pro did.
Here's an extract from its manual:
Failsafe RTH
The Forward Vision System allows the aircraft to create a real-time map of its flight route as it flies.
If the Home Point was successfully recorded and the compass is functioning normally, Failsafe RTH will be automatically activated if the remote controller signal is lost for more than three seconds.
The aircraft will plan its return route and retrace its original flight route home. T
he aircraft will hover for 10 seconds at its current location. When it regains signal connection it will wait for pilot commands.

The Mavic 2 also does this.
Three and a half years back the Phantom 4 pro did.
Here's an extract from its manual:
Failsafe RTH
The Forward Vision System allows the aircraft to create a real-time map of its flight route as it flies.
If the Home Point was successfully recorded and the compass is functioning normally, Failsafe RTH will be automatically activated if the remote controller signal is lost for more than three seconds.
The aircraft will plan its return route and retrace its original flight route home. T
he aircraft will hover for 10 seconds at its current location. When it regains signal connection it will wait for pilot commands.

The Mavic 2 also does this.
That really seems like the most reasonable thing to do. A drone that's lost signal shouldn't typically need to back up very far before it's regained (unless it's because the controller died), so I'd be happy with a function that at least made an attempt to return to a point where the signal had been okay and hover if the connection was restored, or RTH if not.
Very bad DJI :mad:

Including those new RTH options is a great mistake.

RTH must be return to home ALWAYS, any other option is extremly dangerous.

For sure we will soon read lot of scary stories from people misconfiguring RTH.

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When flying from a boat, you never want it to return to home unless it’s capable of returning to the remote control. That’s not available in Fly so you want it to hover if connection is lost. Then you can go back and pick it up but not in the drink.
Flying under something, like trees, and a return to home altitude set abov3 the trees will create a mess. Also, flying under a steel brdge or tunnel, where you will almost assuredly loose the signal long enough to trigger RTH, and crash up into the bridge above you.
I like the Hover option for taking sailboat shots while out on the water where you really don't want it to RTH. Same with flying under things like bridges and trees...
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Very bad DJI :mad:

Including those new RTH options is a great mistake.

RTH must be return to home ALWAYS, any other option is extremly dangerous.

For sure we will soon read lot of scary stories from people misconfiguring RTH.

No ... on the contrary, the Mini should have had those options already from start.

As mentioned earlier ... "Hover", really handy if the flight conditions doesn't allow unlimited heights.

Then "Land" ... well it can be the difference between a Blow Away or a brisk walk to retrieve the Mini.

This is a bit different then all advises & how perhaps DJI drones used to work regarding a manual land command ... When we for some reason can't make it home (way to low on battery or a blow away in progress) it have been advised that we look out a good landing spot & make an controlled emergency landing & go pick it up.

The problem here is that the connection is prone to deteriorate rapidly by height decrease due to loosing LOS ... & it's not uncommon that the RC connection is totally lost before it touch down & shut off the motors ... & it's here bad thing's happen if failsafe RTH is set to "RTH".

When the connection is lost the AC initiate failsafe RTH & cancel the land command, ascends to preset height & starts to go home.

Have now seen this behavior on a Mini, my own MA & M2.

To prevent this from happening it's a must to switch failsafe RTH to "Land", then command landing.
When the connection is lost the AC initiate failsafe RTH & cancel the land command, ascends to preset height & starts to go home.

Have now seen this behavior on a Mini, my own MA & M2.

To prevent this from happening it's a must to switch failsafe RTH to "Land", then command landing.

I can understand you.

Sometimes we are forced to land far away from our home position, for example during unexpected flyaways due strong winds, but for that rare situation we could update our Home position at settings tab before landing. No need of configurable RTH.

From my point of view, DJI would have done a better work changing behaviour of landing button. RTH should be de-activate EVERYTIME you press LANDING button.

I hope I'm wrong, but soon we will face lot of lost Mavic Mini due improper RTH configuration.

Not sure if folks have noticed, but the new DJI Fly app has 3 options now in the SAFETY menu for what the MM does on loss of signal. You must select hover, land, or RTH.

I dont get it, if you lose signal do you want MM to land where you dont know what’s under it? Do you want it to hover while you cant communicate with it? WTF??

"Ascend until signal is re-aquired (up to 400')" should be an option.

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You dont want your Drone to go to the point it launched if you are on a boat that is moving.
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