CLEARLY he needs to get a good windscreen for whatever mic he is using...a "dead cat" furry windscreen might be best if he's going to shoot vide on tops of mountains and anywhere flat where there is nothing to stop the wind. I would also recommend he get an inexpensive wireless lav like the Hollyland LARK
M1 Duo. Why two? Well, if he meets someone he really wants to interview he can do so and still have a mic on himself. So, a simple small shotgun mic (like the Sennheiser MKE200) with windscreen on the camera and a wireless lav for him and he's set. You know, they say, the best videos in the world aren't much good with bad audio.
This is a drone forum, so as far as his drone footage goes, it was pretty good, he just needs more of it...perhaps less driving footage and more drone. But, a good name for his series and a very interesting subject.