Thanks for the plethora of tips and information! What is the purpose of registering the drone with the FAA?
Would love to get the setting information from you.
Why calibrate the IMU when its first received? DJI said it was factory calibrated. Just curious what the benefits are here.
Thanks again for the wealth of info, looking forward to getting up to speed in these areas.
Why register your drone? The fine for not doing so is (-I think) $250,000.00. Why do they want it registered? Because they control airspace, and they do.
Mavic Pro Checklist
1. Open arms and spread propellers
2. Check props for nicks, cracks, and security
3. Remove camera cover and gimbal clamp
4. Check battery security
5. Check camera
Camera facing forward and up
Check lens for fingerprints
6. Check bottom and back and sides for obstructions to airflow
7. Insure that SD card is installed
8. Insure that switch in SD compartment is set to RC (-NOT WiFi)
RC Controller
1. Check charge
2. Spread antennas and arms (-handles)
3. Attach phone and plug in the connection cable
4. Connected, with everything GREEN and Ready to Fly
1. Remote - ON (-Short quick tap, then long 2nd tap)
Display will show ATTI, GPS, then READY TO GO
2. Drone - ON (-Short quick tap, then long 2nd tap)
3. Start the DJI Go 4 App
4. Adjust phone brightness (-slide up from bottom of the phone screen)
After Takeoff
-Raise drone to at least 30' to set home base
After Landing
-Allow drone to cool off
-Insert gimbal clamp and cover
Pre-Flight Settings
1. IMU
-Click on GPS icon (top, middle), which opens the MC Settings page
-Scroll to the bottom to Advanced Settings
-Scroll to Sensor State
-Click on IMU calibration and follow the steps
2. Compass
-Spread the arms back out
-Attach props
-Go to same quadcopter MC Settings as above
-Follow the compass calibration procedure
3. Gimbal
-From the quadcopter menu, go to bottom and click the camera icon.
-Click on Auto Calibrate Gimbal and follow the steps
App Settings
1. Enable Obstacle Avoidance - ON
2. Allow Horizontal Obstacle Avoidance - OFF
3. Enable Backward Flying - ON
4. Enable Obstacle Avoidance - OFF
5. Advanced Vision Settings
Enable Downward Vision Positioning-- ON
Smart Landing Protection-ON
Precision Landing- ON
Turn on Smart Return Home-ON
6. Return to Home Altitude - 60 meters
7. Maximum Altitude - 122 meters
8. Distance Limit - ON
9. Maximum Flight Distance - 2000 meters
Update Firmware and software
Video Settings
-Click on lower right "slider settings" icon
-Select MANUAL mode
-ISO 100 to 200 for best images (use lowest ISO possible)
-Adjust Shutter to around 60 (Shutter speed should not be less than twice the frame rate)
-Set White Balance for ambient conditions
-Set 4K/24 fps (4096x2160) *2.7k is great too
-Tap center of screen to set the focus!
Under MC Settings
-Go to ADVANCED, then EXP to adjust sensitivities
Throttle down - 0.25
Rudder Left - 0.10
Backward/Left - 0.15
-Attitude (-how aggressive it reacts to control input) - 100
-Brake how aggressive it reacts to lack of input) - 130
-Yaw Endpoint (left/right rotation input limit) - 50
-Urgent Stop Mode - DON'T set to "always”, set to "Breakdown"
Gimbal Settings (-Camera icon before (...)
-Gimbal Mode – FOLLOW
-Centering Camera – When horizon is screwed up, do on a level table
-Adjust Gimbal Roll – Same as above
-Gimbal auto calibration – Maintenance issue
-Gimbal Pitch EXP – 10 (Gimbal speed, rated 0-100)
-Gimbal Tilt Limit – ON (Lets you see above the drone 30°)
-Gimbal Pitch Smoothness - 15
-Gimbal Yaw settings - ON
-Gimbal Pan Synchronous Follow - ON
-Enable Upwards Gimbal Tilt - ON