Just received my Christmas present being a Smart Controller for my
Air 2. I am an absolute beginner and have only flown the Air 2 once
in my back garden using the normal supplied Controller. The SC is
a substantial investment for the wife and I and I am looking for any
advice I can get regarding the "commissioning" of it. I am looking for
general tips from the more experienced members as I don't want to mess
it up - hope this doesn't sound too paranoid. Thanks in anticipation
and wishing all members a Merry Christmas and a Happy , Prosperous
and Happy Flying New Year.
Air 2. I am an absolute beginner and have only flown the Air 2 once
in my back garden using the normal supplied Controller. The SC is
a substantial investment for the wife and I and I am looking for any
advice I can get regarding the "commissioning" of it. I am looking for
general tips from the more experienced members as I don't want to mess
it up - hope this doesn't sound too paranoid. Thanks in anticipation
and wishing all members a Merry Christmas and a Happy , Prosperous
and Happy Flying New Year.