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Newbie still in the box


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2020
Norfolk Island, South Pacific
Howdy I have been monitoring the site since my MA2 purchase (Nov 2020), unfortunately its under the tree for another 5 days til the breaded fellow allows me to open my pressie, plus the deal I made with, yes you all know who. Firstly congratulations on a great website and forum the information and education has been fantastic and a huge learning curve for me, not flown before but hope to be a good participant into the future but will be mainly questions until the experience builds up.
I reside on an Island 5 x 8 kms in the middle of the South Pacific 1700 k's from mainland Aussie and 1100K's from Kiwi, - Norfolk Island (ex-convict settlement circa 1700's) to All have a great Xmas & Safe Festive Season, look out for gravity and everything its path Kind Regards Rabi Gerri (another story)
Welcome to the forum.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .Thumbswayup
Welcome to the forum! :)
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
Hi RabiGerri Welcome to Mavic Pilots.
New flyer advice,
Wide open space.
Slow & easy
Power-lines & trees are evil.
Don't expect RTH (Return To Home) to save you especially if you are under trees.
You can read the manual while Air 2 is still under the ?
Download Air 2 manual HERE
Most of all have FUN
Howdy I have been monitoring the site since my MA2 purchase (Nov 2020), unfortunately its under the tree for another 5 days til the breaded fellow allows me to open my pressie, plus the deal I made with, yes you all know who. Firstly congratulations on a great website and forum the information and education has been fantastic and a huge learning curve for me, not flown before but hope to be a good participant into the future but will be mainly questions until the experience builds up.
I reside on an Island 5 x 8 kms in the middle of the South Pacific 1700 k's from mainland Aussie and 1100K's from Kiwi, - Norfolk Island (ex-convict settlement circa 1700's) to All have a great Xmas & Safe Festive Season, look out for gravity and everything its path Kind Regards Rabi Gerri (another story)
My dad bought me my P3A for Christmas several years ago. "We" ordered it before Thanksgiving, arrived day after. It was his idea we had to try it out to make sure it works, before it was wrapped and put under the tree. Fine with me Dad!
Howdy I have been monitoring the site since my MA2 purchase (Nov 2020), unfortunately its under the tree for another 5 days til the breaded fellow allows me to open my pressie, plus the deal I made with, yes you all know who. Firstly congratulations on a great website and forum the information and education has been fantastic and a huge learning curve for me, not flown before but hope to be a good participant into the future but will be mainly questions until the experience builds up.
I reside on an Island 5 x 8 kms in the middle of the South Pacific 1700 k's from mainland Aussie and 1100K's from Kiwi, - Norfolk Island (ex-convict settlement circa 1700's) to All have a great Xmas & Safe Festive Season, look out for gravity and everything its path Kind Regards Rabi Gerri (another story)
A word of advice if you don't mind. Try to get some help with your first flight if you can.
You know, if you read this thread's title literally, it can be funny.
I hope there's food and water in that box, or at least a slit to pass it through and someone on the outside to pass it through. Obviously a PC, tablet or smartphone is with you in the box, since you were able to post.
Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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