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No Drones Allowed in National Parks

If the UAS was small enough, you could not hear it or have great difficulty seeing it, and the blades were not exposed, does a ban still make sense? What aspect of UAS operations warrant a ban? I've been to the rim of the Grand Canyon when a group of students showed up with 30 pizzas, should pizzas be banned? Why do we allow snowmobiles in national parks but not drones? Why are for profit helicopters allowed in the Grand Canyon for what seems like every 10 minutes?
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Why are for profit helicopters allowed in the Grand Canyon for what seems like every 10 minutes?

For the same reason you too can take off from non National Park land and fly over a National Park

I don't see the ban being lifted, ever.

Personally I'd like to see some consideration given but I also see the need for a ban. Even now there are people who are flying their drones among groups of people trying to enjoy the great views in our national park. With them doing this and drones not being allowed, what would it look like if they were allowed.
We are much more likely to see further restrictions long before we see current ones altered or lessened. At least that's my guess.
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I'm convinced that in the future people won't even be allowed to set foot in national parks. Will only be allowed to see them by helicopter tours.
I'm already seeing how crowded some parks are getting and the impact it's having on the park.
Fly anyway. Go for it. What are the chances of getting caught. Or become organized and take the fight to the government agency who prohibited it in the first place. If they allow helicopters and real planes etc. why not UAVs. Write letters to your representatives in washington.. Write the faa who is in control of the air space. We don't win cause we never tried. To bad for us oh well. I mean I'm not going to do it and have men in black suites and black helicopter and SUVs haul me away. I guess though if you don't stand up and fight a little you get what you deserve.

This is so weird. Writing about protest and such on a site for a Chinese company
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Fly anyway. Go for it. What are the chances of getting caught. Or become organized and take the fight to the government agency who prohibited it in the first place. If they allow helicopters and real planes etc. why not UAVs. Write letters to your representatives in washington.. Write the faa who is in control of the air space. We don't win cause we never tried. To bad for us oh well. I mean I'm not going to do it and have men in black suites and black helicopter and SUVs haul me away. I guess though if you don't stand up and fight a little you get what you deserve.

This is so weird. Writing about protest and such on a site for a Chinese company

Just be aware that the fines can be pretty steep. If there weren't so many jerks in this hobby who fly close to buffalo herds, crash into hot pools, and fly low over crowds there might be a hope for permission to be granted to fly.
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Most parks allow me to kayak in their park if I purchase a permit. Why don't our national parks do the same thing. Offer up a compromise. They always mention revenue.Hell let me pay a reasonable fee to have the right to fly and everyone is happy , you, me, the government etc. sometimes you have to grease the hands of those in control.

It's true some of these fines are stiff but that's on the outlaw. I've never known a fine to stop any a hole from violating the law and these days you can't get money out of a stone. Do away with the fine, give it teeth confiscate the drone. Decide several months later if you are going to return it.

People, if you really love the hobby get involved, pick your fights but get involved. Join the AMA or similar organization and make them fight for your rights or join another organization

I myself due to circumstances haven't even flown my bird outside yet. I've studied enough that I think I could take the 107 exam and pass.Ive watch so much YouTube it makes me laugh. And I belong to the AMA. I consider myself involved politically and will continue. Others should to. Look at the numbers. If we all joined an organization and bolstered their member numbers government my take notice and listen more before they act.
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Fly anyway. Go for it. What are the chances of getting caught.
Is this given as advice? If so, really bad advice.

. If they allow helicopters and real planes etc. why not UAVs. Write letters to your representatives in washington.. Write the faa who is in control of the air space.

The NPS does not restrict airspace for helicopters or drones. SO there is no difference there. Also, the MPS does not allow operation from the ground, the FAA has _nothing_ to do with this. So speaking to the FAA won't amount to anything.
since harassment of wildlife has already been mentioned, I'm pretty sure one of the other factors for not letting flights happen in national parks is littering. we've seen enough threads here about inexperienced operators and maybe even the rare glitch that cause a multi-copter to go down. they can end up in inaccessible places and be an eye sore or a hazard until it's recovered. I support the ban.
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Most parks allow me to kayak in their park if I purchase a permit. Why don't our national parks do the same thing. Offer up a compromise. They always mention revenue.**** let me pay a reasonable fee to have the right to fly and everyone is happy , you, me, the government etc. sometimes you have to grease the hands of those in control.

It's _far_ more complicated than that.
Personally I was shocked to see the FAA go back and allow commercial use of drones for private citizens. I don't think we'll be so lucky with national parks or in not having tighter regulations come down on us soon.

Arguments about impact in the parks regarding litter potential and nuisance noise are just silly. Anyone can make an argument against what's currently allowed in national parks being a nuisance to the point where it becomes what someone else already one being allowed to even set foot inside. There has to be an acceptable balance for everyone.
hey now, i'm not saying that doesn't happen so there's no need for the sarcasm. just pointing out that trash on the ground is much easier to clean up than trash in the trees and mountainsides. i do agree with your point that it's nice to have balance when it comes to access and preservation. after all, we are both aerial and nature enthusiasts it seems. Thumbswayup
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