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No Image! Please Help...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2018
Hello everyone! I was flying and all of a sudden my video feed turned all black, there is no image.
I landed the drone, and tried back again, with negative results.
The gimbal moves just fine, and the green ready command is there; as if nothing was happening...
This sucks since it it a new drone, not even a month old...
So far:
- Checked with 2 different SD cards, as well as without the SD Card.
- Used 2 different USB cables.
- SD card formatted.
- Gimbal Calibration.
- Factory Reset.
None of that worked...
I saw videos of people with the same issue, and some of them just changed the lens on the camera, which is about $15 on Ebay.
Any guidance is greatly appreciated!!!IMG_0159.JPG
-Updated my Ipad to iOS 11.3 as advised... didn't fixed it.
You're going to need contact DJI about warranty by the sound of it.
Since you aren't getting video to the SD card it might be the ribbon cable from the camera or the camera itself has failed.
You can inspect the cable for obvious damage but when it's still under warranty be very careful with it.

Both the cable and camera can be replaced by most users if you wanted to go that way - but it there might be some deeper problem which caused the failure.
You're going to need contact DJI about warranty by the sound of it.
Since you aren't getting video to the SD card it might be the ribbon cable from the camera or the camera itself has failed.
You can inspect the cable for obvious damage but when it's still under warranty be very careful with it.

Both the cable and camera can be replaced by most users if you wanted to go that way - but it there might be some deeper problem which caused the failure.

Thanks for the reply, I was trying to stay away from sending it to DJI. It will take me about 8 weeks to get this solved and I don’t wanna stop flying for so many weeks.
But I guess there’s not much to do.
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