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No SD Card


New Member
Sep 8, 2017
I've had my Mavic for a day, and have been able to fly for about 20 mins...

After having to wait about 2 hours for it to do numerous updates (a lot of which kept failing and re-trying) I now have a problem where the SD card (and any other I try, including the original after being re-formatted as FAT32 as suggestion on the DJI website) will not be recognised!

Has anyone had similar issues?

The UK support is available from 10am, but will be straight on to them when I can. In the meantime, if anyone has any advice it would be gratefully received!
Have you tried formatting the card using DJI's own format command in the phone app while the card is installed in the bird, unless the card is very small FAT32 is no use
Yep, tried from the GO app (when controlling the drone, and from the home screen) - and from various apps on Windows and Mac (one of which is the SanDisk app)
After a 30 mins chat with DJI Customer Support, they've advised that I send it back for a replacement - which is very annoying, but I haven't got a lot of choice... Will see what happens when the new one arrives!
That stinks. Before you send it back, have you tried a different card? It could be that simple. Or try the card in a different device, maybe just with an adapter into a PC.
Yes. Try a different card. It would be very silly for DJI to have you send the entire drone back if it's just a faulty micro SD card. There's tons of micro SD cards around that you should be able to get to try. Even a $5 small storage sized one should work.

I'm assuming that DJI support had you try a different SD card during the 30-minute conversation but I've learned to never assume that support personnel know what they're talking about all the time.
It might be that the contacts in the Mavic SD slot are not make contact with the contacts on the SD card. I occasionally have that problem with my MacAir and found that if I clean out the SD slot on my Air with a cloth soaked in alcohol then the card starts to work. First, does the card work in another device. if it does, then it is not the card but the card slot in the Mavic
I tried numerous cards, with no luck. Whilst on the online support they asked me to refresh the firmware, which failed again and again. When they looked up the error code they said it was a hardware fault and that there was nothing more they could do... they wanted me to send it to Germany for a repair, but given it wasn't even 24 hours old I opted to return it to Amazon for an exchange... which I'm waiting for now!
I tried numerous cards, with no luck. Whilst on the online support they asked me to refresh the firmware, which failed again and again. When they looked up the error code they said it was a hardware fault and that there was nothing more they could do... they wanted me to send it to Germany for a repair, but given it wasn't even 24 hours old I opted to return it to Amazon for an exchange... which I'm waiting for now!

Sorry about your problem with the new drone..
My experience with Amazon returns and replacements has always been positive. It seems they make it a point to get it done fast.

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