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NonSportMode MaxVelocity


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2018
Feb28th2019 638am flightlog reveals 29.4mph but this is impossible non sport mode, right?
All records reveal fwd full throttle 19.3mph.
There is no wind at dawn.
What do others attain steadystate full throttle fwd non sport mode?
It appears something is permitting high speed since duration is not momentary and instead tracks return home for at least hundreds of feet travelled.
There’s no velocity limitation in the firmware the limitations only attitude limitations. For a given mode the maximum the drone can tilt from level is limited by a parameter in the software.

The maximum amount of attitude or tilt is further restricted by having the avoidance system active and functioning. All flight modes besides sport have the avoidance system switched on by default. This is why in modes besides sport it seems the max speed is limited to same speed.

However it looks like there was an issue with your sensors or you turned them off. This disabled the primary tilt limit and your drone was was able to achieve higher speeds due to the ability to gain a higher tilt with the sensors off.

Also you are up at 400+ ft. And just because there’s no wind on the ground doesn’t mean there’s not wind that up there epeciaclly near water.

You also mention this is at dawn. When colder air from the evening is met by the warmth from the sun this cause the air to rise also know as “updraft.” You might not feel updraft on the ground but it is happening. Realitive to the air it is flying in your drone is actually dropping and doesn’t require as much power to achieve a higher speed.
There’s no velocity limitation in the firmware the limitations only attitude limitations. For a given mode the maximum the drone can tilt from level is limited by a parameter in the software.

The maximum amount of attitude or tilt is further restricted by having the avoidance system active and functioning. All flight modes besides sport have the avoidance system switched on by default. This is why in modes besides sport it seems the max speed is limited to same speed.

However it looks like there was an issue with your sensors or you turned them off. This disabled the primary tilt limit and your drone was was able to achieve higher speeds due to the ability to gain a higher tilt with the sensors off.

Also you are up at 400+ ft. And just because there’s no wind on the ground doesn’t mean there’s not wind that up there epeciaclly near water.

You also mention this is at dawn. When colder air from the evening is met by the warmth from the sun this cause the air to rise also know as “updraft.” You might not feel updraft on the ground but it is happening. Realitive to the air it is flying in your drone is actually dropping and doesn’t require as much power to achieve a higher speed.

gosh i thought doldrums are ground upwards totally. ok, it does fit the records, these dawn flights in darkness turns off collision automatically (i take medicine, bad sunlight sensitivities). gee, i did not realize software interaction canceling protected mode "rake", the angle that produces fwd thrust, any thrust. protection mode is energy consumption. nulled by dawn illumination insufficiency, endangerment is real, yes, but boy did the craft come fast, causing confusion until today, thank you for edifying this software auto uncap for attitude ("rake" angle)
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