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Noob experience with RTH...loving it!!


Premium Pilot
Jul 4, 2023
I bought an MP from a co-worker and on my first flight out away from class D airspace, I was in a familiar neck of the woods. Literally. Took my drone out along a river, but followed more closely along the dike. I got a connection lost signal on my app, and FREAKED OUT! Screen went grey and all I could think of was to, in vain attempt, the push the RTH button. Saw the craft transverse across the river and considering I wasn't on that side, I'd have to claim a run-away. I told the "curator" of the area, the local fairgrounds, that they might find a drone. Within 12 hours I got a reply back that a post on FB was made from someone finding a drone. Luckily a photographer. I was able to reclaim my drone.'

He lived in the same town I went to high school in 30 years earlier and gave him a finders "fee". I screen shotted my launching point and an he confirmed it was the exact place he found it.
Usually you don't even need to hit the RTH button as the drone will likely return on it's own with a connection loss and also, when the battery gets very low, it will return to home (which is the take off spot unless you change it) with just enough battery life to one way or another, it's coming home. Often when you lose the screen or the video display, there is still a small connection left so you did good to press that button....but make sure you do it once so you don't enable it with one press and then disable it with the second press.

Glad you got your drone back but not quite sure I understand. Your drone is likely never more than a few minutes away, did you not stick around for the requisite "30 minutes" to wait and see if your drone would eventually find it's way home? Did you check find my drone?
If this happens again, do not leave the site. Wait for your drone to return to home. It will not take more than a few minutes, depending on its’ distance from the home point.

Also, upon each and every take off, ensure the drone records its’ home point, which is the spot it took off from, so you can be reassured that your drone will come back and land if an RTH-triggering event happens, such as a signal loss or a low battery.
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I bought an MP from a co-worker and on my first flight out away from class D airspace, I was in a familiar neck of the woods. Literally. Took my drone out along a river, but followed more closely along the dike. I got a connection lost signal on my app, and FREAKED OUT! Screen went grey and all I could think of was to, in vain attempt, the push the RTH button. Saw the craft transverse across the river and considering I wasn't on that side, I'd have to claim a run-away. I told the "curator" of the area, the local fairgrounds, that they might find a drone. Within 12 hours I got a reply back that a post on FB was made from someone finding a drone. Luckily a photographer. I was able to reclaim my drone.'

He lived in the same town I went to high school in 30 years earlier and gave him a finders "fee". I screen shotted my launching point and an he confirmed it was the exact place he found it.
Usually you don't even need to hit the RTH button as the drone will likely return on it's own with a connection loss and also, when the battery gets very low, it will return to home (which is the take off spot unless you change it) with just enough battery life to one way or another, it's coming home. Often when you lose the screen or the video display, there is still a small connection left so you did good to press that button....but make sure you do it once so you don't enable it with one press and then disable it with the second press.

Glad you got your drone back but not quite sure I understand. Your drone is likely never more than a few minutes away, did you not stick around for the requisite "30 minutes" to wait and see if your drone would eventually find it's way home? Did you check find my drone?

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