The attached are my crude attempts at looking at the above DATs,
@BudWalker may well know better channels to look at.
I have tried to find level hovers so that I can compare motor RPMs during those hovers.
The numbers in the charts show the INSTANTANEOUS values at the chosen moments.
To my mind, if the drones and props are identical then the motor RPMs should be fairly similar in a level hover.
At the chosen moment in 24-10-10_[02-44-38]_FLY041 the average RPM is 12,936.
At the chosen moment in 24-10-10_[02-55-56]_FLY006 the average RPM is 12,016.
To me that seems like quite a large difference, 7.66% based on FLY006 values. However BudWalker would be a better person to judge.
Nor do these appear to be lift tests where I would expect the motors to be going full tilt.
In FLY006 a quick skim suggests that max RPM IN THAT LOG was 18,515.
In FLY041 a quick skim suggests that max RPM IN THAT LOG was 18,551.
To me the above results suggest that either or both,
the drone of 006 is lighter than the drone of 041
OR and thought to be more likely
the props of 006 are more effective than the props of 041