NYC Part 107 pilot here - Unfortunately the drone laws here are known to be extremely prohibitive at best and very much a gray area at best. That said I've performed Part 107 flights in all five boroughs and recreational flights in three. It all comes down to showing a basic level of responsibility and respect for any police that may ask you to stop. The laws are fairly straight forward (See NYC Avigation Law) but in practice only people that are reckless or disrespectful have been charged with anything. The FAA also doesn't care at all about these local laws. I routinely fly in JFK's airspace and the ATC people I talk to just give me a "watch out for NYPD" and approve the authorization.
Funny story - A few years ago, I was walking to my local park in Brooklyn that I've flown FPV in a million times and noticed a few more police barriers in the streets than normal. I didn't think much of it and proceeded to fly one pack in the park. There were also a few more pedestrians than usual there though, so I decided to pack up and move to a larger park with a baseball field. On my way there I noticed a police van with a handful of NYPD officers outside talking. They noticed that I had a backpack full of drones and asked me to stop and explain myself. I played dumb a bit and said I was going to a park to fly, but they informed me that it was in fact the day of the NYC Marathon and they've been using drone detection technology to chase down and bust pilots since 4 AM. After talking for a few minutes and building some rapport I admitted that I had just flown for a couple minutes and I was curious to see if they were able to detect that flight. Sure enough one of the officers whipped out a tablet device and was able to show that there was indeed a drone flight detected within a quarter mile of that park. (Mod Removed remark)