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Obstacle avoidance - my RC start beeping and the drone stayed frozen up in the air!


Jan 3, 2017
Hello everyone, the other day i was flying my drone in a open sky up on the beach but suddenly start to beep saying obstacle detected (maybe because of some bird ), then the drone was still frozen i was trying to flying it back to me but no luck!he was just not responding! I was freaking out because it was above the water! I could move the gimbal but not the drone, then after few endless minutes started to RTH anyone had the same issue??

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Hello everyone, the other day i was flying my drone in a open sky up on the beach but suddenly start to beep saying obstacle detected (maybe because of some bird ), then the drone was still frozen i was trying to flying it back to me but no luck!he was just not responding! I was freaking out because it was above the water! I could move the gimbal but not the drone, then after few endless minutes started to RTH anyone had the same issue??

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Mine had an issue flying into direct sunlight. Face the quad away from sun and proceed in different direction..... should work ok

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Mine had an issue flying into direct sunlight. Face the quad away from sun and proceed in different direction..... should work ok

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But the problem was that i was trying but the drone would move so slow like 0,3 m/s or not at all! I don't know if was because of the sun light or the birds, but haven't seen them in front of the camera though, so i still don't know what have caused that! Thanks for the tip though i will try to point not facing the sun next time.

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Facing the sun, or in fog, does that to my drone. When I need to move it, I just turn obstacle detection off and fly reeeeally carefully as far away from any objects of any kind as I can while still seeing the ground. As soon as it's out of the sun or fog, I'll try enabling obstacle detection again and hope.

(...Yeah. Fog flying isn't exactly recommended, but sending it straight up for a view of fog rolling in off the lake horizon this once was worth wiping it down thoroughly afterward, to me.)
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as said above switching into sports mode sorts this out. this a known issue.... lets hope DJI are working on a firmware update to help with this.
I've had the same problem at night a couple of times. My downward sensors are not acting right. Daytime they are 50/50 on seeing the ground when landing.

I just cut off the downward sensors and it starts working correctly again.
I'm still waiting on my Mavic to arrive. But, Is everyone having this problem with the sensors? Sounding like it's best to just turn sensors off?

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I'm still waiting on my Mavic to arrive. But, Is everyone having this problem with the sensors? Sounding like it's best to just turn sensors off?

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I feel it is an issue with sun glare being seen as an obstacle, I see no reason to permanently disable it when all you have to do is switch to sport mode and it will disable the sensor in flight and then you can switch back to sensors enabled after you are out of the sun glare (or whatever else may be triggering the sensor). I personally have not seen the issue yet.
I've had the same problem at night a couple of times. My downward sensors are not acting right. Daytime they are 50/50 on seeing the ground when landing.

I just cut off the downward sensors and it starts working correctly again.

Without good light your sensors wont work so dont expect them to work in low light at all.
I had a similar problem at sunset. Another issue I had was that I would turn off obstacle detection and it would still beep as if an obstacle was detected, however it would still respond To my controls with detection off.

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Without good light your sensors wont work so don't expect them to work in low light at all.

Right. I'm now also having issues landing on my deck during broad daylight. Same place where I have landed 50+ times night and day. Seemed to start happening after the latest firmware update.
It's wintertime here on NorCal, so the sun never really makes it high into the sky. I have this issue when I fly in the afternoon if she's facing the sun. Just the sensors seeing a big, white wall and freaking out. As others have said, just turn 30-45 degrees off course and it'll go away. I suspect this will cease to be an issue with a high summer sun...
I had a similar problem at sunset. Another issue I had was that I would turn off obstacle detection and it would still beep as if an obstacle was detected, however it would still respond To my controls with detection off.

Hi, I tried to disable front sensors but I receive some beeps too. In your case the beeping is like mavic detected some obstacles (with the sensors disabled?)

I'm trying to figure out why it beeps constantly sometimes moving forward, like an obstacle alarm...
I'm still waiting on my Mavic to arrive. But, Is everyone having this problem with the sensors? Sounding like it's best to just turn sensors off?

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Not a good idea at all. The sensors are awesome and keep you out of a TON of trouble. And if they ever sense the sun as an obstacle, it will just stop and wait for instructions. Then you flip to sports mode and that turns off the sensors and you fly back home. Would be COMPLETELY SILLY to turn them off just because they will see the sun as a threat from time to time. With them off, you're risking a crash EVERY TIME you fly......with the sensors on you only risk it stopping in the air and waiting for instructions.......A very simple choice if you think about it like that. :)
Hi, I tried to disable front sensors but I receive some beeps too. In your case the beeping is like mavic detected some obstacles (with the sensors disabled?)
There's one switch for the sensors' action i.e. actually limiting speed and/or stopping the aircraft if an obstacle is seen.
If you turn it off below it is another switch for the warning. You probably want to turn that off too.
I had this same issue those of you have mentioned, and found it related to the connection of my lightening cable where it plugs into the ipad. Moving the connection some would stop the beeping.
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