And if you fly a hang glider, then you push the bar forward to climb and pull the bar backwards towards you to descend. It is all what you get used to.
However, if you hold the controller slightly tilted up at the front, then by pushing the left stick forwards, or now sort of up, in that tilted controller position, it makes much more sense to go up by pushing the left stick up/forward.
You can't compare a 3-axis aircraft to a drone, in the same way you can't compare it to a helicopter. In a 3-axis aircraft you push the throttle forward to increase thrust/speed up the engine, but in a helicopter, you twist a handle on a stick down to one side of you. And to climb the helicopter, you do the twist at the same time you pull up on that stick, to go up (or faster forwards, if you push the control stick forward on the helicopter, at the same time). Pulling up increases the angle of attack on the rotor blades, or using other words, increases the collective pitch of the blades.
Every aircraft type is controlled a little differently, you just have to understand what you are doing and get used to that control method, but never try and compare.