hi, I need help, my Mavic 3 vision sensor not working anymore when I update to lthe atest version, do can anyone help where I can download the old version? so I can test if this old version will be the solution to my Mavic 3 sensor problem?
That all depends on your current firmwares ARB (Anti Rollback Number). If it's higher than the ARB of the firmware you want to revert to: you're stuffed, all you can do if this is the case is refresh the current FW version.
In general you update, refresh & downgrade through the DJI Assistant 2 computer software for your drone model.
In Assistant 2 you will se which possibilities you have regarding the firmware... if the firmware you want to downgrade to isn't listed, the anti rollback number are lower on that then the firmware you're on now.
Looking in Dankdronedownloader it looks like the latest version is 01.00.1500 with ARB # 6... & all the previous versions has a ARB # lower than that. This means that you're stuck with 01.00.1500 unfortunately.