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OOOPS......took an unwanted photo!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2020
It would appear that on one of my last flights, I erroneously hit the vid/photo button that switched me from vid to photo, and in this process, I also hit the "take photo" button. I noticed that I have 2 unwanted photos in my flight log. In Air data, I could view them and in the "media" option, it says "manage media". I was not able to figure out any way of deleting these photos there, so would anyone out there know if there is a way to delete unwanted photos from the flight logs? Thanks in advance!!
Not to make a big deal about, but wouldn't that be falsifying the flight log?

Since the log is evidence that may be asked for by Law Enforcement, maybe not a good idea. There might even be something in the FARs making such alteration illegal. Anyone know?
Found this, FWIW:

14 CFR § 61.59 - Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, or records​
(a) No person may make or cause to be made:​
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false statement on any application for a certificate, rating, authorization, or duplicate thereof, issued under this part;​
(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any logbook, record, or report that is required to be kept, made, or used to show compliance with any requirement for the issuance or exercise of the privileges of any certificate, rating, or authorization under this part;​
(3) Any reproduction for fraudulent purpose of any certificate, rating, or authorization, under this part; or​
(4) Any alteration of any certificate, rating, or authorization under this part.​
(b) The commission of an act prohibited under paragraph (a) of this section is a basis for suspending or revoking any airman certificate, rating, or authorization held by that person.​
Seems that Para (a)(2) could be a problem...
It would appear that on one of my last flights, I erroneously hit the vid/photo button that switched me from vid to photo, and in this process, I also hit the "take photo" button. I noticed that I have 2 unwanted photos in my flight log. In Air data, I could view them and in the "media" option, it says "manage media". I was not able to figure out any way of deleting these photos there, so would anyone out there know if there is a way to delete unwanted photos from the flight logs? Thanks in advance!!
Unless you have those image files on your SD card, you didn't take them.
Your DJI app automatically saves a couple of low-res thumbnail images in each flight record.
They can be useful to help identify which flight it was.
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Reactions: ericole and Torque would anyone out there know if there is a way to delete unwanted photos from the flight logs? Thanks in advance!!
Try this in the Airdata web version under the Media Manager section... might only delete from the Airdata log compilation & not directly from the log stored by them.

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Found this, FWIW:

14 CFR § 61.59 - Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, or records​
(a) No person may make or cause to be made:​
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false statement on any application for a certificate, rating, authorization, or duplicate thereof, issued under this part;​
(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any logbook, record, or report that is required to be kept, made, or used to show compliance with any requirement for the issuance or exercise of the privileges of any certificate, rating, or authorization under this part;​
(3) Any reproduction for fraudulent purpose of any certificate, rating, or authorization, under this part; or​
(4) Any alteration of any certificate, rating, or authorization under this part.​
(b) The commission of an act prohibited under paragraph (a) of this section is a basis for suspending or revoking any airman certificate, rating, or authorization held by that person.​
Seems that Para (a)(2) could be a problem...
I suspect that those regulations apply only to logbooks, records, and such that are required for the aircraft type and operation. I'm not aware of any requirements for recreational or basic Part 107 operations. I think there may be a need if you apply for a waiver.

Here's a detailed discussion from an attorney/pilot in case anyone is interested in digging into the issue.

Try this in the Airdata web version under the Media Manager section... might only delete from the Airdata log compilation & not directly from the log stored by them.

View attachment 170499
The image you show above is what I'm seeing save the circled "check mark" and the "download-delete" options? My images can be "high lighted" in blue, as are yours, but I do not have the options of downloading or deleting them?

I didn't realize my request would result in such responses! None of my previous flights have ever had any photos show up as these 2 have? Both images on this flight are of the same image, one being of very very poor quality (highly pixelated) and the other being much clearer? My request was not to be of a subversive nature, but rather one to just "clean up" what is showing for that flight record, as displayed in Air data. When I checked my download from my SD card, there are no images (.jpg) files on it just video files? Funny thing is.....they are terribly pathetic views of a barren, brown prairie with some mountains very very far in the background, ha! Thanks everyone for your insights and assistance!!

OH GEEEEZ!!!! After I submitted this, I reread your post. I neglected to register "web version" of your instructions on my first read, so I went to my laptop version of Air data, and low and behold, there it was, just as you posted! I easily high lighted and then deleted both of the images! So I guess what I wanted to do really wasn't an illegal action/request after all! You folks on this forum are just so ***** smart!!!! Thank God for this forum and all of you geniuses!!
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So I guess what I wanted to do really wasn't an illegal action/request after all!
The regulation stated keeps me from "Doctoring" my logbooks to receive a "type rating" for an aircraft I am not otherwise qualified to fly or- e.g., Pad my number of hours to meet the requirements of other training, such as instrument or commercial certificates that require a standard amount of hours before you can start the training.
I use a drone logbook just to keep my batterys rotated.
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Found this, FWIW:

14 CFR § 61.59 - Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, or records​
(a) No person may make or cause to be made:​
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false statement on any application for a certificate, rating, authorization, or duplicate thereof, issued under this part;​
(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any logbook, record, or report that is required to be kept, made, or used to show compliance with any requirement for the issuance or exercise of the privileges of any certificate, rating, or authorization under this part;​
(3) Any reproduction for fraudulent purpose of any certificate, rating, or authorization, under this part; or​
(4) Any alteration of any certificate, rating, or authorization under this part.​
(b) The commission of an act prohibited under paragraph (a) of this section is a basis for suspending or revoking any airman certificate, rating, or authorization held by that person.​
Seems that Para (a)(2) could be a problem...
Just asking because I don't know. This CFR sounds like it is for manned pilots, not UAS pilots? Am I mistaken?
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I suspect that those regulations apply only to logbooks, records, and such that are required for the aircraft type and operation. I'm not aware of any requirements for recreational or basic Part 107 operations. I think there may be a need if you apply for a waiver.


I didn't think it was likely an issue, but for completeness I thought it should be addressed, given some recent discussions.
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No, those rules are really meant for manned aircraft flight. I don't believe there are any requirements of keeping flight logs for R/C aircraft of any type.
And I agree, guys.

Just wasn't sure in the age of automatic detailed logs, RID, LAANC, etc. The data is similar to the Flight Data Recorder of a commercial aircraft.

While it seems ridiculous with little 13 yo Johnny flying his Mini 2 in his backyard, we are talking the gubmint, exceptional for not making exceptions.

I'll close with saying I didn't think it likely these rules apply to sUAS, ilI would not have been at all surprised to find it stupidly did.

The idea of deleting log data got me thinking this question should be raised.
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Found this, FWIW:

14 CFR § 61.59 - Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, or records​
Seems that Para (a)(2) could be a problem...

while I think it's a slippery slope "doctoring" your Flight Logs, keep in mind that Part 107 and Recreational UAS Operators are not required to keep log books so these are for your OWN personal use/enjoyment. Doctor, delete, omit, whatever you want so long as your Rating or Employer don't require them they are more for your own enjoyment (tongue in cheek lol)

For those who aren't fully familiar with the FAA's regulations and the "naming./numbering" process....

Title 14 of the CFR's is Aeronautics and Space
Under Title 14 we have many sections but only the following are "relevant" for the current conversation:
  • Part 107 - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
    • is what governs all "Civil" UAS Operations.
    • US Code ~44809 the Exception for limited recreational operations of unmanned aircraft is the "Bubble of Protection" that allows those who fly strictly within the noted conditions to not be held to the regulations of Part 107. Violate ANY of the conditions under ~44809, even ever so slightly, you are then held fully accountable to for Part 107 regardless of your status in terms of Part 107 holder or not.
  • Part 61 - CERTIFICATION: PILOTS, FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS, AND GROUND INSTRUCTORS but does NOT include Part 107, in fact it specifically states "(a) Except as provided in part 107 of this chapter" which denotes Part 61 is NOT for Part 107 operations/operators.

The CFR noted above, which is discussing documents etc, is specifically for Part 61 operations. You can tell this by the numbering of the CFR
14 CFR § 61.59

Here's the Hierarchy of the chapters/sections/parts

Title 14 > Chapter I > Subchapter D > Part 61 > Subpart A > § 61.59

Hopefully this helps in some small way to understand how to be able to know where the rule/chapter/etx exists. If you want to take a deep dive into the CFR's here's a direct link to them online

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