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Original Air 2 controller


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2020
Texas USA
I have an original Air 2 controller outfitted with an alientech booster. Will it pair with the Air 3 or am I forced to start over with a new controller and alientech?
I have an original Air 2 controller outfitted with an alientech booster. Will it pair with the Air 3 or am I forced to start over with a new controller and alientech?
RC-N1 is not compatible with Air 3. Only RC-N2 and RC 2 controllers. Unsure about being able to swap over the alientech as I have not used it before.
That is what I was afraid of. I have an Air 2S and the battery life is terrible. I also have a Tripletek 8. It appears as though technology is passing me by. I would love to sell the whole set up and start over.
I don't think you'll need the alientech as the Air 3 gets very good range
Was it worth it? How is your distance now compared to when the you used the alientech and old hardware?
For me it was never about the distance , but it was having the stronger signal since I flew from inside my car so much to capture the storms.

The Air 3 as others have noted really has a nice strong signal so I have not really given much thought about getting the Alien Dual for any of the other new drones starting with the Air 2s.
Gear to fly in the Rain. Land on the Water.
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Still flying my old A2 that serves my needs. Using it now for dropping baits from shore along with my Phantoms. I recharge with a car battery booster to keep 1 or 2 on charge. 3 batteries keeps me flying a long time, something to consider before selling yours.
ok.. so I bought an Air 3 and am quite disappointed. I abandoned my Air 2s with controller and Alientech duo II attached. I was thinking that I would get similar range with the Air 3 and stock controller. Well.. that is false. My alientech was giving me at least 10k meters and I can only get 3k meters on the stock Air 3. I have already sold the Air2s so that is gone. I do still have the controller with alientech duo II attached and tripletek 8 tablet that I need to sell. Now I have to wait for Alientech to get an antenna for the N2 controllers or switch to another N1 drone. Please spare me the blah, blah, line of sight, blah.

signed.. frustrated.

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