I will be going to OBX in the summer months and looking to bring my Mavic Pro along. I am aware of the national park/forest/protected area no fly zones, but is there anything else to be aware of.
I believe we are staying near Kitty Hawk on the bay side (seems to be a Kitty Hawk Woods Coastal Reserve) that takes up most of the area so I might have to drive to some areas. Beach and Atlantic seem free of any NPS entity, but outside of hand launching im sure I wouldn't be allowed to launch from the beach as its public property? I am sort of confused on reading these NC drone laws. The law I am referring too is:
Launch & Recovery SitesIt is illegal to launch or recover a UAS from either private or state property without the consent of the property's owner (N.C. G.S. 15A-300.2). Local and federal property have their own laws and regulations governing the launch and recovery of UAS.
Checking AirpMap it looks like I should be good federally with a special use air space off the coast a bit, so I am guessing the Kitty Hawk Woods Coastal Reserve is not a NPS), but still not sure how that is regulated
I noticed that NCDOT requires permits for people flying under part 107. If I choose to fly under Part 107 I need to sign up and pass a knowledge exam through NCDOT (which I did) and can get a commercial permit good for up to 2 years. I went through this process, a recreational flyer is not required but encouraged to do this.
It seems like NC has some different drone specific rules to use compared to PA. Is there anything else I am missing?
I am going on a trip with family so the less hassle I can avoid the better, or better yet someone trying to confiscate my drone. I want to do everything by the book as a part 107 holder