A new version of Panovolo - the drone panorama stitching software - is now available for Windows and macOS.
The two main new features is the ability to adjust the central point of panorama and adjust yaw pitch and roll of individual images within the panorama to correct stitching errors.
A full release announcement
The two main new features is the ability to adjust the central point of panorama and adjust yaw pitch and roll of individual images within the panorama to correct stitching errors.
A full release announcement

Panovolo 1.5.0 released with new panorama editing features : Panorama Stitching Tool for Drone Photography
Halifax, NS, Canada — PanoVolo, the cutting-edge drone panorama image stitching software, has just released its major update, version 1.5.0, now available for both Windows and macOS users. The highlight of this release is the complete revamp of the Review page, introducing a set of powerful new...