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Photo Settings for Super Moon/Lunar Eclipse?


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
Ohio, USA
I am using a Air 2s .... I have noticed others with a Air 2s get great shots of the moon where you can actually make out details of the moon in the photo.... I am curious what others are using for settings for their photos?

Here is an example of the no detail moon photos i am getting.


Hi Scott,
The challenge is that the moon is extremely bright compared to everything else in the frame. Depending on just how bright the moon is compared to everything else and how much dynamic range you have to work with, you could try setting up the shot so that the moon is properly exposed (you may need to manually lower ISO or exposure and/or increase shutter speed to keep the moon from blowing out). Then bring the photo into Lightroom (or your editor of choice) and see how far you can push the shadows and blacks to bring out the reset of the picture. I think the Air 2s has over 12 stops of dynamic range which is pretty good. You might be able to pull this off if the rest of the shot isn't too dark.

If it were me, I'd lean towards taking multiple shots. Start with a shot to get the moon properly exposed and then take as many additional shot as you need to get the rest of the image exposed properly. Then merge the shots.

Look forward to seeing what you get!

on several models they have a Night Mode that bumps the ISO to 12800. I have some some videos shot that way and it looks pretty good
The Moon subtends only about a half degree of arc, and the camera's field of view on your drone subtends eighty-eight degrees. So, the Moon is only 176th the width of the image frame. Since the image frame is only 5472 pixels wide, an image of the Moon would be only about 31 pixels wide. What kind of detail would you realistically expect to capture of a subject that's comprised of so few pixels? The photos which accompany your original post tell the tale. The Moon appears as just a tiny speck in the sky.

If I were you, I'd shoot for the most pleasing overall scene exposure and not worry about detail on the Moon.
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