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Pixelated and freezing video transmission from aircraft to controller


Active Member
Dec 13, 2019
Orange County, CA
Hello fellow pilots. During my last couple of flights I've started getting pixelated and frozen video transmission between the aircraft and the controller. It happens a few minutes after takeoff regardless of distance (even within a couple hundred feet). It's taking the fun out of my flying because I am unable to maintain orientation and I can't tell which direction the drone is facing until I get the video feed back and I'm afraid I'm going to lose control of the aircraft. I end up just landing the drone and putting it away. I think I've heard similar complaints about this from others. I'm debating contacting DJI about this issue but figured I'd ask here first. Thoughts?
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What device are you using with the controller ?
Try turning off caching to the device
What device are you using with the controller ?
Try turning off caching to the device
Samsung Galaxy s9 Plus phone. The same device I've used with it since Day 1. I was one of the first purchasers of the MA2 back when it was released in May and the drone is definitely a first generation unit as it was deliver to me within 2 weeks or so of the official release date.
Samsung Galaxy s9 Plus phone. The same device I've used with it since Day 1. I was one of the first purchasers of the MA2 back when it was released in May and the drone is definitely a first generation unit as it was deliver to me within 2 weeks or so of the official release date.

If I am not mistaken and I am sure that I will be corrected.... but that’s a loss of signal. Try a new cable..they do wear down. With all the abuse that we put it through
If I am not mistaken and I am sure that I will be corrected.... but that’s a loss of signal. Try a new cable..they do wear down. With all the abuse that we put it through
I appreciate that, but I don't think it's the cable or loss of signal because the drone is only a few hundred feet away. Occusync should be able to 1000's of feet before issues, and I have full bars on the signal strength when it happens too.
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I appreciate that, but I don't think it's the cable or loss of signal because the drone is only a few hundred feet away. Occusync should be able to 1000's of feet before issues, and I have full bars on the signal strength when it happens too.
IF it is indeed the cable it could be 5 foot from you and exhibit that behavior. It's long shot but I have seen it happen.
So I did some research on how to download previous version of the GoFly app and I found a website called I searched for DJI and found previous version of the app. Seem safe and legit. I went back to v1.1.10. It seems as though the issue started after the most recent updates. I'll see what happens tomorrow!
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I was thinking that might be the case. As more and more is piled on to the app, the more resources it will demand.
I would think an S9 could handle it though, that's only 2 generations back from the current S20.
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Just an update to anyone who was interested or kind enough to respond to my post. After downloading a previous version of the GoFly app and reverting back to v1.1.10, I flew for a whole battery flight time today and did not experience a signal frozen or pixelated video issue at all. Seemed to do the trick...for now.
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Just an update to anyone who was interested or kind enough to respond to my post. After downloading a previous version of the GoFly app and reverting back to v1.1.10, I flew for a whole battery flight time today and did not experience a signal frozen or pixelated video issue at all. Seemed to do the trick...for now.
thanks to everyone, flying the Mavic 2 and get loss of video transmission even within 100 metres distance. lucky that RTH works so well. I'll try an earlier version of the app!
Hello fellow pilots. During my last couple of flights I've started getting pixelated and frozen video transmission between the aircraft and the controller. It happens a few minutes after takeoff regardless of distance (even within a couple hundred feet). It's taking the fun out of my flying because I am unable to maintain orientation and I can't tell which direction the drone is facing until I get the video feed back and I'm afraid I'm going to lose control of the aircraft. I end up just landing the drone and putting it away. I think I've heard similar complaints about this from others. I'm debating contacting DJI about this issue but figured I'd ask here first. Thoughts?
Old problem but still unfortunately still actual.
I myself several years ago bought a Crystal Sky 5.5” and from day one I had pixelation, but only when flying just above me or very close. Talked to the shop, they had never heard of it, and asked me to make some kind of description of the problem. It showed up to be periodic and I never returned with it. Last never the less it went so annoying that I once again tried to Google for an answer… I found this thread and didn’t get less frustrated. I was not for going into downgrading the soft/firmware and sat down doing some looking if my cable was broken or? Un mounted the bracket for the Crystal Sky from my remote (Mavic Pro Platinum RC) and mounted another usb to usb-c cable without exiting the app. Of cause the picture froze as I removed the Crystal Sky from the bracket, but after attaching the cable the picture returned without pixelations… I tried it several times and it seemed like to be the solution. Next day I went out for a testflight. I turned on the RC with the CS attached to the bracket, turned on the drone and the pixelation showed up as I made the camera tilt. Detached the CS and reattached it. No pixelation… so might just be the solution to detach and reattach the CS from the usb.
Have a nice flight.
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