Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance:
Problem? Galaxy S7 Edge screen lags and is pixelated
Was unit in a crash? No
What have you tried so far? Using Litchi (Same result), MP works great using Galaxy Note 8, Go4 and Litchi. Used DJI stock usb cable, and 3rd party, same results with both
What device are you using ( iphone , ipad, Samsung , etc)?
Problem - Samsung S7 Edge, SM-G935V, Android 8.0.0
Success - Samsung Note 8, SM-N950U1, Android 8.0.0
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)?
What Go app version are you using? 4.2.20
Any modification? (if so what) None
Did you change anything or install any apps? (if so what) S7 Edge has bare minimal apps, used only for Mavic Pro. WiFi&GPS on, radio & bluetooth off
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? (if so post link)
Problem? Galaxy S7 Edge screen lags and is pixelated
Was unit in a crash? No
What have you tried so far? Using Litchi (Same result), MP works great using Galaxy Note 8, Go4 and Litchi. Used DJI stock usb cable, and 3rd party, same results with both
What device are you using ( iphone , ipad, Samsung , etc)?
Problem - Samsung S7 Edge, SM-G935V, Android 8.0.0
Success - Samsung Note 8, SM-N950U1, Android 8.0.0
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)?
What Go app version are you using? 4.2.20
Any modification? (if so what) None
Did you change anything or install any apps? (if so what) S7 Edge has bare minimal apps, used only for Mavic Pro. WiFi&GPS on, radio & bluetooth off
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? (if so post link)