Just some ideas about posting music online. There is no good music for free. If you buy, its not much better. And if you pirate, they can come after you, unlikely but possible if it ever goes viral. And you can write artists and tell them what you are doing. They might say, fine but just give us credit for the music so they know where to buy my music. Any really popular music I would definetly avoid. I just post my videos to my friends and tell them, turn on some music you like and watch this video. It makes sense because the variety of music is huge! And everyone seems to have a jondra of music they are partial to. They may not like the music you post with your video anyway.
I also post in 4K and tell them for best results to watch on the biggest screen possible, TV or Computer. Incidentally, FB is as good for posting high def as you tube now days. They are also very good for posting and creating 360s. Have fun. .02
I also post in 4K and tell them for best results to watch on the biggest screen possible, TV or Computer. Incidentally, FB is as good for posting high def as you tube now days. They are also very good for posting and creating 360s. Have fun. .02