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Potential Newb in Texas


Active Member
Sep 19, 2018
First off, thanks for the great knowledge base here. I've been reading for a couple weeks, and it's been quite informative.

Recently met some folks who are into drones and that got me interested. The only bit that has me on the fence is all the regulatory stuff and people getting all spun about privacy etc.

Here's a question while I'm here.... Does an FAA 121 recurrent course count for the 61 BFR required for getting the 107 cert with just the online course. I know I don't need this for recreational but in case anything ever came up, I figured I'd go ahead and get it. Plus I get to learn a little.
Part 107 is restrictive in comparison to being a "hobby" flyer so unless you want to derive income from drone video/pictures I dont see the need to pursue being Part 107 certified other than bragging rights.
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Part 107 is restrictive in comparison to being a "hobby" flyer so unless you want to derive income from drone video/pictures I dont see the need to pursue being Part 107 certified other than bragging rights.
I understand that. I just figured it's an easy cert for me to aquire just in case I wanted to do something deemed commercial down the road.
First off, thanks for the great knowledge base here. I've been reading for a couple weeks, and it's been quite informative.

Recently met some folks who are into drones and that got me interested. The only bit that has me on the fence is all the regulatory stuff and people getting all spun about privacy etc.

Here's a question while I'm here.... Does an FAA 121 recurrent course count for the 61 BFR required for getting the 107 cert with just the online course. I know I don't need this for recreational but in case anything ever came up, I figured I'd go ahead and get it. Plus I get to learn a little.
Howdy from Wyoming @Boxer1200 , welcome to the community, plenty of fine folk and excellent information here.
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Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .:)
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Mavic Pilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in Mavic quadcopter’s.
Enjoy the forum! Thumbswayup
**You can look for other local flyers here - Regional Meet-Ups & Local Flyers
Finally picked up a Mavic 2 Pro today. First drone. After charging the battery/controller and then a compass calibration it flew great. Kind of windy here so I never I took it above 15’ in my backyard. Just wanted to be sure it worked. Very cool little piece of technology. I’ve got a lot to learn.
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First off, thanks for the great knowledge base here. I've been reading for a couple weeks, and it's been quite informative.

Recently met some folks who are into drones and that got me interested. The only bit that has me on the fence is all the regulatory stuff and people getting all spun about privacy etc.

Here's a question while I'm here.... Does an FAA 121 recurrent course count for the 61 BFR required for getting the 107 cert with just the online course. I know I don't need this for recreational but in case anything ever came up, I figured I'd go ahead and get it. Plus I get to learn a little.

Little bit of advice for ya. Wait a couple more weeks. And if you are still interested go for the air 2. Reason I tell you to sleep on it is to be sure that it is not a impulse buy. Because either you are going to love it or hate it. There is no in between. Good luck [emoji256]
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The first post I made was in 2018, so definitely not an impulse buy. I picked up the MP2.
Congratulations on your eventual purchase, and what a nice pick you made. Personally, I would’ve been unbearable, thinking about buying my first drone for nearly two years. I can almost imagine your thrill at unboxing, seeing Go 4 app fired up and connected, then taking off for the first time.

That new thrill was only a few months ago for me. Enjoy yourself!
Welcome to the forum. You will find plenty of support and assistance here. We look forward to seeing your part of the world.
First off, thanks for the great knowledge base here. I've been reading for a couple weeks, and it's been quite informative.

Recently met some folks who are into drones and that got me interested. The only bit that has me on the fence is all the regulatory stuff and people getting all spun about privacy etc.

Here's a question while I'm here.... Does an FAA 121 recurrent course count for the 61 BFR required for getting the 107 cert with just the online course. I know I don't need this for recreational but in case anything ever came up, I figured I'd go ahead and get it. Plus I get to learn a little.
Welcome to MavicPilots from Dayton, Ohio. Fly safe and have fun!
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