Here's the latest on the cash in hand scammer.
This is the second time this has happened so it's probably the same person.
Mini 4 pro is listed in the town on Craigslist.
The town in the description is at least 100 miles away.
First time it was close enough that I was willing to drive to meet the person. They set a time and location to meet. I agreed and said I'd be there.
I took the cash out of the bank (I still have it in my pocket) and the moment to meet got close. I texted one final time to make sure the deal was still on.
I was ghosted.
OK, No big deal.
Today, I saw an ad for a
Mini 4 near enough. Technically a 2 hour drive.
I contacted the person. We haggled and agreed to a price.
My son lives nearby there so I switched it up and said my son would meet him for the sale. My son even went to the bank to pull out the cash.
He even took a call from the guy to discuss where to meet. The meet was in an hour and a half.
Fifteen minutes later my son gets a text from the person saying they changed their mind (sentimental reasons) and just can't let it go.
The ad is no longer on Craigslist in that area.
So I went online to check other nearby areas.
Well, it's listed in many place with slightly different descriptions and in different rural cities.
Even if you plan to meet face to face, there's shady stuff going on.
MEET IN PUBLIC and take someone with you