I have a quick question and want to get input from others on your thoughts. Recently when taking real-estate images of a shopping complex, I found a very specific area where my M3 Pro reported loss of GPS. It happened each time I entered a very specific region of the complex and it happened at all heights from 60' to 350' AGL. The drone did not get to a switch over to ATTI mode. I had no attachments potentially blocking the GPS receiver of the drone. The stores in the area are not remarkable, so I'm just wondering - does anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing this type of hyper-local GPS interference?
I went back a week later, and same exact thing. And tried another drone (M3E, and then a Mini 4 Pro) and got the same behavior. Just kind of have this question in the back of my mind that won't go away since I had not see this before. Thanks! Diagram attached showing what I mean by specific area. The box in orange is very much exactly where the drone had severely degraded GPS count. Down to 4 I believe.

I went back a week later, and same exact thing. And tried another drone (M3E, and then a Mini 4 Pro) and got the same behavior. Just kind of have this question in the back of my mind that won't go away since I had not see this before. Thanks! Diagram attached showing what I mean by specific area. The box in orange is very much exactly where the drone had severely degraded GPS count. Down to 4 I believe.