So you feel that the part about the quickshots that actually matters is that it’s already color graded? The part that anyone literally would care about are the easily repeatable camera movements for getting perfect shots.
What I’m interested in is that on their flagship drone, they unlock the cameras settings during this mode. It’s a $1500 camera drone, let me use the camera. We can go back and forth about the definition of what quick shot means all day.
For some users that is exactly what matters, no work in post. I film in H.265 except when I have played with the QSs. So it doesn't matter to me.
Like I said, you seem to want the canned actions available without being in QS mode. Why don't you go on the DJI forum and suggest that. These are really just a WayPoint mission with a predetermined POI. I don't know that I would use them any more just because I could do them in H.265, but it would be nice option.
If and when DJI releases Waypoints we will get closer. Litchi can do some of it now but it still has its shortcoming.