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Registering my drone with the FAA questions

@ neggy, being that I’m new and don’t know my *** from a hole in the ground, what would you suggest? My only intent for the the drone is recreational, I’ll never race or do any professional photography, so what does an airman’s certificate do for me? I’m sincerely wondering, not being argumentative or anything :)

Besides getting rid of most of that pesky 5 mile notification thing, not much, but at this point very few people are following any rules or regulations when it comes to sUAV's anyway.

A Part 107 Airman only has to notify when within 1 mile of an airport.

Plus a Part 107 Airman can fly for $$$, you can do real estate photography and such and legally sell your work.

You can apply for waivers such as flying BVLOS, Night flights, etc, but the FAA has their head so far up their rear facing bodily orifice getting waivers is more trouble than the risk of getting caught
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