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Remote ID for Mavic Air


Active Member
Aug 21, 2019
I'm sure someone has asked this already, but I can't find any traffic about it - what do people recommend as an add-on to make a Mavic Air Remote ID compliant?

Many thanks, Robin
Holy Stone also sells their RID module here on eBay for quite a bit less.
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On e-bay there two versions which are called "Holy Stone Remote ID broadcast 'Module Parts' comply with US FAA for GPS Drones" ...which are in the 45 dollar range versus the 79 dollar version not called "parts" ???. I'm just looking for the deal. My Mavic Air comes out of its case 3 times a year to keep the batteries from committing suicide. Maybe with a rid module I might be inspired to make some noisy flights with it again..Maybe.
On e-bay there two versions which are called "Holy Stone Remote ID broadcast 'Module Parts' comply with US FAA for GPS Drones" ...which are in the 45 dollar range versus the 79 dollar version not called "parts" ?
That one is coming from China and will take about a month to arrive. It could be legit. Or maybe not and then you'll need to figure out how to return it to China.
DJI Go4. Na een ruime periode wilde ik met mijn oude DJI Air vliegen. Ik kon mijn app DJIGo4 niet openen vanwege een bug. Weet iemand hier meer over? Ik kan de app niet meer vinden in de Google Playstore. Wat is de oplossing? Bedankt.

(In het geval dat ik het hier mis heb, mijn excuses.)
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DJI Go4. Na een ruime periode wilde ik met mijn oude DJI Air vliegen. Ik kon mijn app DJIGo4 niet openen vanwege een bug. Weet iemand hier meer over? Ik kan de app niet meer vinden in de Google Playstore. Wat is de oplossing? Bedankt.

(In het geval dat ik het hier mis heb, mijn excuses.)

DJI Go4. After a long period of time I wanted to fly with my old DJI Air. I couldn't open my app DJIGo4 due to a bug. Does anyone know more about this? I can no longer find the app in the Google Playstore. What is the solution? Thank you.

Try DJI's official site.

The official apps are not in the Play Store any longer.

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Thank you with this reply. The download has already been done. Unfortunately, it is not weather to chase a dog through right now.
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